Get The Tools You Need to Be Happier and Change Gymnasts Lives

Learn everything you need to know and get your questions answered about improving gymnastics flexibility, building explosive power, managing injuries, building high performing cultures, and more! 

Stop feeling frustrated and overwhelmed working with gymnasts every day  

The Hero Lab and SHIFT HQ is an all in one, comprehensive program designed for anyone working in gymnastics to learn the skills they need to build higher performing, healthy, happy gymnasts. 

You will learn the exact exercises, protocols, and coaching techniques you need to be more confident in the gym and more excited every day.

Ones that are backed by the latest science, and have been proven to help 1000s of gymnasts from the recreational to the international elite level.

Through monthly webinars, downloadable PDF handouts, and our exclusive private community of 500+ gymnastics professionals from over 17 countries, you can find the answer to any problem you are facing.

With these tools, you will become the "go to" expert for the latest science and expert supported training techniques

Ready to become a master in gymnastics training techniques that will skyrocket performance and culture while reducing injury risk? 

Check Out Our Most Popular Gymnastics Lectures in The Hero Lab!

Gymnastics Coaching Lectures

  • Essential Shaping & Basics for Gymnasts
  • Developing Beam Handstands & Shaping
  • Building Practice Plans for 2x/Week Gymnasts
  • How to Have The Best Competitive Gymnastics Season
  • Building Leg Power in Gymnasts 
  • Hip Flexibility Circuits for Bigger Jumps and Leaps
  • Shoulder Flexibility Circuits for Better Handstands 
  • Building Sprinting Power for Better Vaults
  • Creating Easy and Effective Warm Ups for Gymnasts
  • Building Cardio Workouts for Gymnasts
  • 9 Ways to Be Happier at Work Coaching Gymnastics
  • Gymnastics Core Training - Body Weight and General Training
  • Lower Back Pain in Gymnasts - A Coaches Guide
  • Overuse Knee Injuries in Gymnasts - A Coaches Guide

Gymnastics Medical Lectures

  • Bracing for Back Pain in Gymnasts - A Research Review
  • Hip Pain Evaluation and Exercise Progression Inservice
  • Shoulder Mobility Assessments - A Step by Step Guide
  • Understanding Back Pain in Gymnasts
  • Creating Gymnastics Performance Teams
  • How To Help with Severs Disease
  • How To Help with Gymnast Wrist
  • How To Help with OsGood Schlatters
  • How To Help with Elbow Osteochondritis Dessicans (OCD)

The Hero Lab and SHIFT HQ

We have 25+ hours of cutting edge, science based gymnastics webinars on the most common issues gymnastics professionals face like shoulder/hip flexibility, building leg power, core training, injury management, athlete motivation, periodization and planning the competitive year, and more! New lectures added every month. 

Here’s What You’ll Get When You Sign Up!

Full, Lifetime Access To Course Materials

Once you enroll, you have unlimited access to every webinar, handout, podcast, PDF, and worksheet SHIFT has ever made. When you need something, simply log in, search, and download it!

25+ Hours of Lecture and Webinar Videos

Over the last few years, we have put out a gymnastics webinar based on our communities needs, and published it in our massive video library. In less than 3 minutes, you can have every single one at your finger tips!

Access to Gymnastics Experts 24/7

Our exclusive private community, SHIFT HQ, is full of 500+ gymnastics experts from every discipline, level, and area of gymnastics.

Have a question or need help? Fire away in one of our sub groups or topic threads!

Full Exercise and Resource Library

Every single piece of content SHIFT has ever made is organized and within our quick find search. Want shoulder flexibility or core strength drills? Need some drills for handstands? Need some help with an athlete who has a mental block? No problem! Search our archives or ask a community member for help!

Here’s what people are saying about the course

Nick Ruddock

Elite Gymnastics Coach

Consultant to 21 Olympic
Gymnastics Federations

The Hero Lab is an absolute no brainer. Dave produces world class content that I trust 110% and I know it will bring you massive value. 

If you're looking for a resource and community that you can learn from, network in, and get knowledge from experts like Dave, this is for you. 

If you're looking into The Hero Lab, give it a go and I promise you won't be dissapointed. 

Patrick Goldsmith

Optional Team Head Coach
and Recreational Coach

As a full time gymnastics coach for team and recreational athletes as well as a Dad with a family, it can be hard to find time to study all the different new information coming out. 

Dave's new discussion forum SHIFT HQ makes it easy to find the topics I am looking for and locate new information quickly. 

It also allows me to network and link up with other coaches and like-minded individuals from different disciplines like PT's and strength coaches. 

This is a great tool for anyone who coaches gymnastics and I look forward to continuing to use and learn from it!

Kaysha Heck

Sports Physical Therapist
Gymnastics Coach

As a busy PT and coach, I have limited time to spend searching for high quality clinical research or gymnastics drills. 

SHIFT HQ is an excellent resource for connecting me with likeminded individuals, building community, and exploring new ideas. 

Not only it is easy to navigate, but it also allows me to search for specific topics and message other members. 

SHIFT HQ is the ideal tool for helping me stay at the cutting edge of my field.

What's Inside The The Hero Lab and SHIFT HQ?


25+ Webinars and Lectures, More Added Every Month

Over the last 2 years, we have built a massive library of webinars, handouts, and resources to help those working in gymnastics with common problems they face. Based on member requests, we film and add more each month!


A Massive Community of Gymnastics Experts

We are so fortunate to have a huge network of friends and gymnastics experts in our private community. This is the only place in the world you can get your questions answered, network, and discuss current gymnastics topics with people from across the world. 


Every Article, Podcast, and Worksheet from SHIFT

Over the last 10 years, SHIFT has made a staggering amount of content to help the world of gymnastics. For the first time ever, it is now completely organized by topic and interest with an easy search function! Stop wasting time and money and get the answers you need. 


Subgroups of Gymnastics and Special Interest Threads 

Want to chat other gymnastics coaches, nutritionists, medical providers, or gym owners? Or want to learn about specific strength exercises, event drills, or flexibility?

Great! We have specific "sub groups" and interest threads to follow!


Individual Profiles and Private Networking/ Messaging 

One of the things we are most proud of is the incredible networking and communication system we have built. Build your individual profile and add all your information!

Then if you are looking to find people in your area, or network with other gymnastics professionals, just send them a private message


In an effort to help the gymnastics community as much as possible, we are adding special bonuses when you sign up for The Hero Lab and SHIFT HQ

Bonus 1
Hip/Shoulder Flexibility, Pre Hab, Strength Template PDF Downloads

We have made PDF downloads for our most popular hip/shoulder flexibility circuits, pre-hab lists, strength and conditioning templates, and so much more. 

We have organized them all in our "Free Resource Library" for you to download and use as your leisure.


Bonus 2
Exclusive Q&A Session Access With Dr. Dave Tilley and The SHIFT Team

One of our absolute favorite things to do is host regular private "Q&A" session with out amazing SHIFT Community. 

Along with being able to message Dave or the team in SHIFT HQ regularly, you will get exclusive access to these sessions so you can get help with whatever you need!

Bonus 3
Special "Expert" Guest Webinars Only For Members

We are lucky to have access to some fo the world leading experts in gymnastics coaching, injuries, nutrition, mental health, and more. 

Every few months, we ask one of these experts to come on and give a private webinar for our members, which are some of the most highly anticipated lectures!

By joining, gain access to past webinars only available to Hero Lab members. 

About The Creator,
Dr. Dave Tilley DPT, SCS, CSCS

Dr. Dave Tilley was a competitive gymnast, competing collegiately, and has 16 years of coaching experience currently working in optional levels. He has his Doctorate in Physical Therapy, is Board Certified in Sports Physical Therapy, and is also a Certified Strength and Conditioning Coach. 

Along with this clinical work, Dave conducts reserach on gymnastics injuries, workload tracking, and sports performance. He has worked with thousands of gymnasts, ranging from the recreational to elite international level, and regularly speaks both nationally and internationally about Gymnastics Sports Medicine. 

Here's What People Are Saying About Dr. Dave Tilley

Nick Ruddock

Elite International Gymnastics Coach
Consultant to 21 Gymnastics Nations

"Dave produces world class content that I trust 110%.

You can't help but feel inspired when you spend time with Dave.

He is changing the sport of gymnastics for the better, and I know that his knowledge will bring you massive value."

Emma Winer

Former Division 1 NCAA Gymnast

"As a collegiate gymnast, I'm SO grateful for Dave and his programs.

Dave has helped me come back from stress fractures in my shin, a Lisfranc fracture in my foot, and surgery for a labrum tear in my shoulder.

Thanks to Dave, I was able to get back to all my events and compete through college!

James Parent

CEO of Tumbl Trak

"Dave is a truly incredible resource.

If you are working with gymnasts and care about their health and well being, you must invest in Dave's materials.

He goes above and beyond to give the gymnastics community the latest science based and easily applicable information."

Save Thousands of Dollars and Hours of Time

Learning the latest gymnastics information can be insanely expensive.

People like you can easily spend thousands of dollars on congresses, clinics, books, and travel/hotel associated with those in person events.

Not to mention the hours of your free time or weekends to comb through all the material, social media groups, and videos to find out whats relevant for you. 

We have done all the work so you can save your money, and not have to sacrifice weeks of your time.

This way, you can spend more time doing what you love - helping gymnasts reach their goals.

With our online platform and community you can learn everything you need right from your couch, when it best fits your schedule, and at your own pace without breaking the bank.

See What People Are Saying!

How Much Does It Cost?

100% Satisfaction Guarantee for 30-Days

At SHIFT, we pride ourselves on making sure our educational courses are the highest possible quality. 

If you are not 100% satisfied with your purchase, just send us an email and we will refund your entire order.

Frequently Asked Questions

Is SHIFT HQ & The Hero Lab Expensive?

Nope! We believe in high quality, affordable gymnastics education for the community. 

For the price of one lunch per month ($9) you get access to BOTH The Hero Lab and SHIFT HQ. That means all SHIFT's webinars, worksheets, cheat sheets and our international community of gymnastics experts around the world.

Am I buying two things?

Not at all, you're buying one amazing thing 🙂

To best help the gymnastics community, we are giving SHIFT HQ away for free as an added bonus to our monthly membership group, The Hero Lab.

When you enroll for The Hero Lab, you will get instant access to both our webinar platform, and our community group.

I don't work with high level gymnasts, is The Hero Lab a good fit for me?

The Hero Lab and SHIFT HQ has hundreds of gymnastics professionals from literally all levels (competitive and not), all disciplines (WAG, MAG, Tramp, etc), and all regions of the world.

We promise you will fit in!

I'm not good with technology, can I figure out using the platform?

Absolutely. We have done all the heavy lifting for you.

Enroll, get sent links to sign up, and you're done.

Less technical headaches, more getting your questions answered!

Am I stuck in a contract?

Nope! Cancel at any time. (But, we think your gonna fall in love with our community and stick around)

A Note From Dave

After years of work, I'm so excited to finally have SHIFT's most highly anticipated platform up and running!

There has been a desperate need for continual science and expert based gymnastics education for people to access instantly at their fingertips without expensive travel or losing their weekends. 

There has also been an outpouring of people wanting an online community to network with gymnastics professionals, get their questions answered, and find help when they are struggling. 

The Hero Lab and SHIFT HQ is that exact resource. I promise that you will not be disappointed with joining our amazing community, and I can't wait to see you inside!

SHIFT Movement Science
