Essentials of Gymnastics Coaching
FREE Course
Learn the Latest Cutting Edge Techniques for Gymnastics Flexibility, Strength, Basics/Shaping, Injury Prevention, and Culture Development
What's Inside The Free Course?
Module 1: Flexibility Methods, Making Changes and Making Changes Stick
We will dive into what you need to know to safely and effectively increase should and hip flexibility. We will share all the newest science, and how to use it tomorrow in practice.
Lesson 2 - Gymnastics Strength and Conditioning: Old School Methods Meet New School Science
In this lesson, we talk about how to increase strength in gymnasts, with the goal of increasing explosive power. We will talk about traditional body weight methods, and why you must use them, as well as new concepts like gymnasts lifting weights.
Lesson 3 - Shaping, Basics, and Fundamentals
With flexibility and strength basics under your belt, it's crucial to know how to get fundamental shaping, basics, and progressions to start things off right. Without basics and fundamentals, it's extremely challenging to make progress. It's about knowing what drills to find, but also how to build them into your practices.
Lesson 4 - Injury Prevention and PreHab for Gymnasts
Gymnastics is a tough sport, event for the most well rounded and great program. Learn what the research says works (and doesnt work) but also how you can build these exercises practically into your daily program so you don't waste too much time.
Lesson 5 - How to Be Happier at Work and Build High Performing Cultures
Without a great culture, and a sense of mission/purpose that drives motivation in coaches/athletes/parents, things fall apart. Learn from both my experiences and the research on how to love what you do, be motivated, and also get your gym to do the same. This way, you can build happy, healthy, high performing athletes and staff.

So you want to help gymnasts gain flexibility, explosive power, and crush their goals? Awesome. Learning the essential gymnastics coaching principles is the best way to become the go to person for your gymnastics community.
But the process of where to start can feel daunting. What are the safest and most effective flexibility methods? What strength and conditioning exercises will get gymnasts more powerful? Should gymnasts lift weights? And if so where do I start? What are the best injury prevention and pre-hab strategies? How do you build a fun, yet high performing culture where athlete's are motivated?
I'm going to help you cut through the confusion - to not only learn proper, science based flexibility and strength techniques, but also help them sky rocket training so they can see performance boosts and you can be happier in your day to day life.
In Essentials for Gymnastics Coaching, I'll walk you step-by-step through the "must know" principles that I have used to help 1000s of gymnasts gain flexibility and strength, reduce injury, and perform better. You'll also learn what I teach coaches and gym clubs around the world about culture development.
With 5 modules of high quality videos (that aren't too long) and real life practice examples along the way, you'll be on feeling much more prepared and well equipped to help gymnasts in no time.
So get going, gymnasts are waiting for your help and expertise!
In this free course, you will learn the key principles to coaching great, safe, technical gymnastics.
We will first cover gymnastics hip and shoulder flexibility training, and the most common mistakes made. From there, you will learn about increasing strength, power, and explosive speed.
Then, we will dive into what you must know about shaping and basics, as well as injury prevention. Finally, we will finish up talking about how to be happier at work by building uper your gym's culture.
Special offer! Enroll now for FREE!
We want to make sure you have EVERYTHING you need to apply the material you learn in this course in the gym the next day. So, we are giving you some of our best worksheets and handouts for FREE when you sign up.
10 Minute Hip and Shoulder Flexibility Circuits
These are the very best hip and shoulder flexibility circuits that we know work, are safe, and are based on the latest science.
They are easy to do, have video links attached to every exercise, and come with full grids to use as a follow along sheet.
Print them out to hang in your gym or send them to your coaches and athletes to use on their own!

Strength Templates and Season Planning Templates
We know planning strength and conditioning can be a nightmare. So, we've done the heavy lifting for you.
We made a full 'cheat sheat' of different strength and conditioning categories, then made blank templates so you can create your own workouts.
Not to mention, we also made templates so you can plan the entire competitive year if that is your gyms goal!

Gymnastics PreHab Guide
It's unfortunate that gymnastics sometimes comes with the risk of injury, but it's part of the game.
Great coaches take a proactive approach to injuries by carving out time for soft tissue care, specific strength work, and extra stability training.
We have compiled our 'best of the best' exercises that we use for male and female gymnasts, complete with exercise video links and grids to follow week to week. It's all yours as well!

Here’s What You’ll Get When You Sign Up
Once you enroll, you will get instant access sent to you via email. Once inside, you can download the lecture slides, a complete references list, and ALL the bonus content including our 10 Minute Flexibility Circuits, Strength Templates, and Gymnastics PreHab Guide we mentioned above. Then, make your way through 5 full lectures on the topics you have the most questions about!
Lesson 1 - Flexibility Methods That Make Changes, and Make Changes Stick
We will dive into what you need to know to safely and effectively increase should and hip flexibility. We will share all the newest science, and how to use it tomorrow in practice.
Lesson 2 - Gymnastics Strength and Conditioning: Old School Methods Meet New School Science
In this lesson, we talk about how to increase strength in gymnasts, with the goal of increasing explosive power. We will talk about traditional body weight methods, and why you must use them, as well as new concepts like gymnasts lifting weights.
Lesson 3 - Shaping, Basics, and Fundamentals
Once the rehabilitation program is complete, learn how to safely return gymnasts back to training and go above and beyond their previous performance levels.
Lesson 4 - Injury Prevention and PreHab for Gymnasts
Wrap thing ups by learning what the next steps are to excel when working with gymnasts, and learn about the exact medical systems you need.
Lesson 5 - How to Be Happier at Work and Build High Performing Cultures
Once the rehabilitation program is complete, learn how to safely return gymnasts back to training and go above and beyond their previous performance levels.
Here's What People Are Saying About Essentials of Gymnastics Coaching
Dave Tilley and SHIFT have helped 500+ medical providers learn the best way to evaluate, rehabilitate, and boost performance for gymnasts. Here's what they are saying

Mike Reniold
Sports Physical Therapist
Athletic Trainer
Co-Owner of Champion PT
"I've seen Dave use these principles every day treating gymnasts at Champion PT, and they work.
We see so many gymnasts get better quicker, and go on to have huge performance boosts because of it."

Kaysha Heck
Sports Physical Therapist
and Gymnastics Coach
"I promise you will not regret enrolling in this course.
Dave always gives us the latest science and practical tools to help gymnasts. It's all packaged in an easy to learn format"

Shelley Anderson
Sports Physical Therapist
and Gymnastics Coach
"Dave's courses are the best I have ever taken.
They provide tons of great information, explanation, and PRACTICAL skills that can be used directly in the clinic. I highly recommend enrolling"
Your Instructor
Dr. Dave Tilley DPT, SCS, CSCS
Dave Tilley is a leading expert in the field of Gymnastics Sports Medicine. Having been a college gymnast, an optional gymnast coach for 16 years, and working in the sport, he is uniquely positioned to help teach the tools medical provivders need.
Dave has his Doctorate in Physical Therapy, is Board Certified in Sports Physical Thearpy, and

Frequently Asked Questions
How does free sound? To help the gymnastics community out, we are offering this course at zero cost. No strings attached, really!
Once enrolling, a link will be sent to your email to log in and check out all the lectures. You can progress at your own pace, right from the comfort of your couch.
Yep! Upon enrolling and logging in, a zip file can be downloaded that has all the lecture slides, the references, and the bonus PDF.
Forever! Once you enroll, you can log back in and check out whatever you would like. We know people like to revisit the concepts, so we made life easy for you.