The Gymnastics Flexibility Blueprint
A Step By Step Guide to Skyrocketing Flexibility in Gymnasts for Bigger Skills, Higher Scores, and Less Injuries
Stop feeling frustrated, overwhelmed, and confused when trying to create gymnastics flexibility programs.

Learn the exact step by step system that is proven to improve flexibility in gymnasts and make it actually show up in skills.
The system that is backed by the latest cutting edge science, and expert gymnastics coaching methods.
No more guessing on what flexibility exercises to do, how many of them to do, how to build a circuit that actually works, or wasting your time/energy endlessly searching online for videos.

The Gymnastics Flexibility Blueprint is an all in one, comprehensive online pre recorded course designed for gymnastics coaches and gymnastics medical providers to learn exactly how to build beautiful and jaw dropping flexibility.
No more feeling stressed out, overwhelmed, and confused when trying to build flexibility circuits, warm ups, and stretching routines.
No more frustrations for gymnasts who aren't seeing flexibility progress, getting new skills, progressing in level, or reaching their performance potential.
You will learn the exact gymnastics flexibility exercises, drills and circuits to help gymnasts blast through their stalled progress so they can improve their lines, get new skills, hit their routines, and crush their goals.
Ones that are backed by the latest science, and have been proven to help 1000s of gymnasts from the recreational to the international elite level across all disciplines and genders.

Learn exactly what gymnastics flexibility exercises to do, what types of stretching are safest and most effective, and how to build programs from scratch when working with large groups of gymnasts.
Then, learn how to take new passive flexibility and turn it into bigger skills, better scores, more hit routines, and reduce their injuries.
With these tools, you will become the "go to" expert for gymnasts who want to increase their flexibility and crush their goals.
Ready to become a master in creating gymnastics flexibility programs?
"This course definitely worth the buy. As a gymnastics coach and a specialist flexibility instructor this has become my new flexibility bible."
- Gymnastics Flexibility Blueprint student
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The Gymnastics Flexibility Blueprint
This is a 10 hour, online pre recorded course that uses videos from the gymnastics gym and lectures, a full 25 page course workbook, free downloadable "print and use" PDF templates or for creating flexibility plans, SHIFT's Flexibility Exercise Library, extra bonus content, and a private discussion forum for students to teach you everything you need to know about how to build explosive power in gymnasts.
Here’s What You’ll Get When You Sign Up!
Full, Lifetime Access To Course Materials
Once you enroll, you have unlimited access to the entire 10 hour course, all lectures, our private discussion forum, and all the PDF / template materials for life. Go back and revisit and lecture, handout, or practice planning template you need!
10 Hours of Lecture and Lab Videos
Over 10 Modules, we will break down the exercises, drills, circuits and plans you need to not only build incredible flexibility but also practically build programs that work in the gym. Recreational to international elite, we got you covered.
All Lecture Slides & PDFs For Download
All course materials have been packaged into an easy to download zip file for your convenience. As soon as you start the first Module, you can download them right away. All the lecture slides, case study PDFs, and bonus materials are yours to keep. Less tech headaches, more learning!
Full Exercise Library
We wanted students enrolling to have no questions about what exercise interventions we use when working with gymnasts. So, we have an entire exercise library, organized by body region and goal, to help guide you through learning to make the ultimate gymnastics power program!
Here’s what people are saying about the course

Eva Shute
Gymnastics Director and
Team Gymnastics Coach
"It's so good to finally find flexibility methods that actually work, are easy to use in the gym, and are safe based on the latest science.
Like other gyms and coaches, we always struggled with flexibility using the more 'old school' approach.
Despite going to tons of lectures and searching online for videos, the flexibility of our gymnasts just didn't seem to budge.
Thanks to Dave's new ideas and all the work he has put in to creating new flexibility systems, life is way easier for us in the gym.
Not only have we seen huge gains in our flexibility by applying Dave's approach, it also gives us a huge peace of mind knowing that what we are doing is safe and in line with the latest science.

Emma Winer
Former NCAA Gymnast
I can't recommend Dave and his flexibility programs enough
I was so fortunate to work with Dave after both my shoulder surgery and foot surgery.
Other rehab places I had been before didnt really understand gymnastics flexibility, and how important it was to get back to having lots of shoulder range of motion for bars.
Dave knew exactly what to do to help me not only get back to my previous level of flexibility and power, but make things even better.
Using the programs in Dave's course, I was able to get back to all of my skills on floor, vault, and bars including my Tkachev which originally hurt my shoulder.
I couldn't have done it without him!

Jess Corneau
Head Team Compulsory and
Optionals Team Coach
"It's crazy how much better our girls flexibility got using these programs
At practice, I used to be so overwhelmed and frustrated when making flexibility programs for our gymnasts.
But now that's completely changed.
I know exactly how to approach our gymnast's warm ups and flexibility circuits, what exercises to do, how long to stretch and what types of other active flexibility drills will work, and how to build a super effective warm up.
I'm all about safety, and keeping the girls uninjured. So after going through the these science based, research proven flexibility programs that use use both stretching or soft tissue work and active flexibility or strength work, our gymnastics across the board just looks safer.
Dave is above and beyond amazing with this stuff, and the right way to do gymnastics flexibility.
I'm so grateful I took this course and am more educated with this new information, because I can give the gymnasts what they need.
Join Today!
What's Inside The Course?
Module 1 - Flexibility Essentials
In this module, we cover exactly what types of stretching, soft tissue care, active flexibility, and strength drills are supported by science to not only be effective but safe. We summarize all the latest science for you, and tell you exactly what it means practically when working with gymnasts
Module 2 - Shoulder Flexibility
In this first practical session, we break down exactly what you need to do if you want to improve overhead shoulder flexibility and behind the back shoulder flexibility. That way, you can have beautiful handstand lines, get those back handsprings, or work the highest level vaults and bar skills. We then cover another section on behind the back flexibility for male gymnasts looking to improve pommel horse, parallel bar, and rings skills.
Module 3 - Right and Left Split Flexibility
This is where things get GOOD. We know that most people want to improve their splits, so take a deep dive and share exactly what works. We talk about how to improve the front and back leg passive flexibility with the best exercises for the hip flexors, quads, inner thighs, and hamstrings. Then we cover tons of great, easy to use active flexibility drills to help get bigger jump/leap angles, straight knees, and powerful bar skills. This is one of the most talked about lectures in the course!
Module 4 - Straddle Split and Pancake Flexibility
Along with right/left splits, we know that many people also want to improve their straddle split and pancake flexibility. So, we keep the ball rolling and discuss the exact stretching, soft tissue care, and active flexibility drills that you can implement right away for the hamstrings and inner thigh muscles. We break down what helps improve straddle vs pancake motions, and how to make changes 'stick'.
Module 5 - Pike Flexibility
The pike position is essential for higher level jumps/leaps, but also for advanced bar skills in both mens and womens gymnastics. It can be tricky to figure out what is limiting an athlete's pike position, so we start by breaking down the stretches to avoid for safety. Then we talk about how to get the hamstrings and core going for a deep pike position that skills require.
Module 6 - Ankle Flexibility
The ankles can be a really tough joint to see flexibility improvements in, and if left alone it can cause huge issues in sprinting speed, beam balance, floor/vault landings, and dismounts. Many people are also looking for a beautiful toe point. So, we cover exactly what can be done to help get both toe point and the 'toes up' motion to improve so that athletes can be safer and have amazing foot form in their skills.
Module 7 - Wrist Flexibility
In gymnastics, the wrists serve as a second set of ankles as we try to do crazy skills on our hands. So many gymnasts struggle with wrist flexibility, and as a result wrist pain, due to this. So, we share exactly what can help to improve flexibility of the wrists for better handstand lines, tumbling, pommel swings, and parallel bar work.
Module 8 - Building and Using Flexibility Programs
This is where the rubber meets the road! Most courses or clinics give you hundreds of great flexibility drills to use, but then when you go back home you're left asking yourself "now what the heck do I do?". We want to make sure you feel FULLY prepared to use the new content from the first modules. So, in this section we talk about building comprehensive warm ups, flexibility circuits, side stations, and recovery periods. You'll know exactly how to start using the new information right away.
Module 9 - Troubleshooting Common Flexibility Problems
We know that flexibility training is no walk in the park, and rarely is it a nice smooth process. There are tons of 'real life' problems that come up. What do you do if someone isn't making flexibility progress? How do we handle growth and puberty? What is 'good' vs 'bad' soreness in stretching? What about gym cultures full of 'old school' ideas or people who aren't open to change? Instead of shying away, we tackle these issues head on and give you practical advice on how to handle them.
Module 10 - Exercise Library, Complex Examples, and More Resources
Like we said, we want you to feel FULLY prepared for any flexibility issues that comes your way. So, we put together a massive collection of stretches, soft tissue drills, active flexibility exercises, strength work, and more for you to check out. We know that not everyone has the same time, equipment, and space, so we wanted to make sure a variety of drills were available for you to use.
Join Today!
To celebrate one of our most anticipated courses, we are offering special bonuses when you sign up! Along with full life time access to all the materials, you will also get our Flexibility "Cheat Sheets", our Flexibility Exercise Library, and exclusive access to our private online community, SHIFT HQ.
Flexibility Complex & Circuit
"Cheat Sheet" PDFs
Looking for some fast, easy examples of flexibility circuits to use right away? We got you covered.
We collected or favorite, science supported and results proven flexibility complexes for shoulders, splits, pancakes, pikes, wrists, ankles, and more for you to ASAP.
We also have created video example walk throughs to use to see demonstrations of the exercises so you know exactly what to do.

Gymnastics Flexibility Blueprint Workbook & Circuit Templates
We know that learning about gymnastics flexibility can be really overwhelming for new students.
So, based on feedback from students we made a step by step workbook and gymnastics flexibility circuit templates to help you apply the information you learn in each module.
As you work through the course, you will start creating your gymnastics strength program so that when you are done, you can get cracking!

Free Access To Our Private Online Community, SHIFT HQ
We are lucky to have an incredible international community of gymnastics professionals from every discipline, level, and background in our private platform, SHIFT HQ.
Once enrolled, you will get an invitation link to our private Gymnastics Flexibility Blueprint group, but also access to our huge network of over 750+ gymnastics coaches, strength coaches, medical providers, nutritionists, sports psychologists, gym owners, and more.

About The Course Instructor,
Dr. Dave Tilley DPT, SCS
Dr. Dave Tilley was a competitive gymnast, competing collegiately, and has 17 years of coaching experience currently working in optional levels. He has his Doctorate in Physical Therapy, is Board Certified in Sports Physical Therapy, and is also a Strength and Conditioning Coach.
Along with this clinical work, Dave conducts research on gymnastics injuries, workload tracking, and sports performance. He has successfully worked with thousands of gymnasts, ranging from the recreational to elite international level, and regularly speaks both nationally and internationally about Gymnastics Sports Medicine.

Here's What People Are Saying About Dr. Dave Tilley

Nick Ruddock
Elite International Gymnastics Coach
Consultant to 21 Gymnastics Nations
You can't help but feel inspired when you spend time with Dave.
He is changing the sport of gymnastics for the better, and I know that his knowledge will bring you massive value."

Emma Winer
Former Division 1 NCAA Gymnast
I spent 7 years working with Dave and doing his gymnastics flexibility programs, and both my floor and vaulting power went through the roof.
Having someone like Dave who understsands gymnastics, and understands both strength and conditioning and rehab, is huge.
There is no way I would have gotten to where I did competing in NCAA gymnastics if it wasn't for Dave.

James Parent
CEO of Tumbl Trak
If you are working with gymnasts and care about their health and well being, you must invest in Dave's materials.
He goes above and beyond to give the gymnastics community the latest science based and easily applicable information."
Save Thousands of Dollars and Hours of Time
Learning the latest information about Gymnastics Flexibility can be insanely expensive.
You can easily spend $3000 on books, congresses, clinics, camps and travel/hotel associated with those in person events.
Not to mention the hours of your free time or weekends to comb through all the material and find out whats relevant for you.
We have done all the work so you can save your money, and not have to sacrifice weeks of your time.
With our new online course you can learn everything you need right from your couch, when it best fits your schedule, at your own pace, and without breaking the bank.

How Much Does It Cost?

100% Satisfaction Guarantee for 30-Days
At SHIFT, we pride ourselves on making sure our educational courses are the highest possible quality.
If you are not 100% satisfied with your purchase, just send us an email and we will refund your entire order.
Curious What's Inside The Course?
Check Out Our Free Preview!
Frequently Asked Questions
The course starts now and never ends! It is a completely self-paced online course - you decide when you start and when you finish.
How does lifetime access sound? After enrolling, you have unlimited access to this course for as long as you like - across any and all devices you own.
We would never want you to be unhappy! If you are unsatisfied with your purchase, contact us in the first 30 days and we will give you a full refund.
Yes! We wanted to make sure that everything related to gymnastics flexibility was covered. So each section on shoulders, splits, pikes, pancakes, wrists, and elbows has a break down of the exact exercises you need to see improvements.
We also included a full exercise library that has 500+ exercises, drills, and side stations for you to check out!
We made The Gymnastics Flexibility Blueprint for gymnastics coaches, gymnastics medical providers, and strength coaches working in gymnastics.
We believe that everyone who is working with gymnasts should have access to high quality, science based, expert coach supported information on gymnastics flexibility
So, we built the course we wish we had as younger coaches, medical providers, and strength coaches!
Nope! We intentionally made the course material for every discipline, gender, age group, and level in gymnastics.
It doesn't matter if you are brand new to gymnastics flexibility or have 30 years under your belt, are working in artistic or rythmic or recreational or adult gymnastics, train male or female gymnasts, or are working with young or older gymnastics.
We PROMISE this course has what you are looking for. And in the off chance that we missed something, we have a 24/7 access private discussion community where the instructors will directly answer your questions.
A Note From Dave
After years of work, I'm so excited to finally launch one of SHIFT's most highly anticipated medical course! I wanted to make sure that I did this right.
So I took extra time to review the research, pick topics that I knew people needed help with, and really break down everything medical providers need to know when working with gymnasts for lumbar spine injuries
Then I took all of my experiences as a gymnast and coach, combined them with the incredible mentorship I've had from of the world leading experts in sports rehabilitation, and also added in my clinical experience form treating 500+ gymnasts with lower back pain.
I promise that you will not regret signing up for this course. I can't wait to see you inside!