Are Oversplits Bad for Gymnasts? Combining Science and Real Life in the Gym For Safe, But Effective, Split Flexibility Methods
Talk about a catchy blog title, right? Before anyone thinks I'm here to set fires, I'm not. The goal of this blog post is to give gymnastics and the medical world information, tools, and practical strategies to approach the topic of split and…

Understanding and Combatting the Elbow Injury Epidemic in Gymnastics (Part 3)
Over the last few weeks, I have been sharing some of my thoughts on elbow injuries in gymnastics. If you haven't read Part 1 (find it here) and Part 2 (find it here), I would be sure to check those out. Today, I'm going to close out the article…

Understanding and Combatting the Elbow Injury Epidemic in Gymnastics (Part 2)
After publishing Part 1 of this article series last week, I was completely blown away to see the response it got. Along with making it's way around to thousands of people on social media, I also got quite a few emails asking questions about…