A Brain Spill on Mechanical vs Neurological Effects in Physical Therapy (Part 2)
Stuff That Actually Relates to Treating People
Based on all the really geeky thoughts I had and research articles I talked about in Part 1, here are some more clinical based thoughts on the mechanical vs neurological debate. Remember, just…

A Brain Spill on Mechanical vs Neurological Effects in Physical Therapy (Part 1)
I think one of the most controversial / debated topics in the current Physical Therapy scene is whether mechanical vs neurological mechanisms drive effects seen for both manual therapy and exercise (spoiler alert it's probably…

Brain Spill #2: Thoughts on Movement Variability, Pain Science, and Overuse Injury
For some reason my reading has taken me a lot into the concepts of movement variability, the role of coordinative and elemental variability, and how this all plays into in skill performance. I've always been curious about how athletes like…