
Full Gymnastics Hip and Shoulder Flexibility Lecture Now Available

Safely improving hip and shoulder flexibility in gymnasts to get new skills or better scores is one of the most common questions I get.

It can be one of the most confusing things for gymnastics coaches and medical providers to tackle, especially when the internet has access to 100s of drills and people’s opinion on the best methods.

Many times when coaches try to implement flexibility drills or circuits, they have no step by step system to apply these drills. People often only have 15-30 minutes, and with set up, break down explanation, and getting equipment, they feel like nothing gets accomplished.

To help people out, I wanted to put up a lecture that I have given many times around the world and people have said is very helpful. It’s my approach to flexibility based on all the research I’ve read, the gymnasts I have helped for these issues, and the trial and error in the gym.

You can see all the lecture slides for the audio below by clicking here (www.shiftmovementscience.com/congress) and listen to the entire lecture here

The SHIFT Show – Gymnastics Hip and Shoulder Flexibility Essentials: Safe and Effective Methods


Hope you find it helpful!