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My Mental Health Journey and Advice All New Grads Need To Hear

Anyone who has followed me and SHIFT knows that I’ve had quite the roller coaster with my career, work-life, and personal life. Everyone goes through these crazy hurdles life throws at us. I think it’s important that people share their stories, and realize that literally everyone is doing through something.

I was recently asked by Rachel Heller, a 3rd-year doctoral Physical Therapy student, to do an interview asking about my last 10 years going through Physical Therapy school and getting to where I am today. I was super humbled that she wanted to talk to me about this.

It turned out to be a conversation I think a lot of new graduates need to hear. Those first 2-3 years can be extremely hard. Between getting a job you like, many being crushed in student loans, knowing what courses to take, and managing the craziness of work-life balance, it can be brutal.

So, with Rachel’s permission, I decided to put this up as a podcast that will hopefully help people who are going through similar struggles I did. In this episode, we talk about

  • How to be happier at work, and manage the craziness of new grad life
  • The biggest mistakes I made, and what I would do differently
  • My ups and downs with depression, burnout, and finding work-life balance
  • How I decided what courses to take
  • How I got my job with Mike Reinold and Lenny Macrina at Champion PT and Performance
  • Managing social media chaos and not falling into the trap of comparison
  • How to not judge yourself, and spend time on what legitimately makes you happy vs what people say you are “supposed” to do

You can listen to the entire interview on iTunes, Spotify, and Stitcher below or watch it on YouTube.

My Mental Health Journey and Advice All New Grads Need To Hear


Hope it helps! Have a great week,

– Dave

Dr. Dave Tilley DPT, SCS, CSCS
CEO/Founder of SHIFT Movement Science