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Nick Ruddock’s Best Uneven Bar Strategies For High Level Skills and Long Term Health

Brace yourself everybody, because today we have an absolutely epic episode of the podcast. Many people have been asking me get someone on who has a special expertise in uneven bars,  due to how frustrating of and event it can be to teach new skills on. Bars is very unique, with a different set of basics as well as progressions that need to be taught to reach high-level skills safely.

To help everyone out, I asked my good buddy Nick Ruddock to come on the podcast and share all his best strategies for developing bar technique, new skills, and building a long-term path of progression. He also shared so much great information about how to do these things safely, and make sure that the athlete is not being set up for burnout or overuse injury.

I have already learned a ton of great information from Nick in the last five years, but I found myself completely absorbed in what he was saying, soaking up many new concepts. He does a phenomenal job of teaching both large principal based concepts but also offering a very specific technique that people can take with them to the gym tomorrow.  I promise this is an episode that you do not want to miss!  In this almost 90 minute episode, we chat about

  • How Nick gained all his technical information on bars, to the point where he has consulted with 21 National Gymnastics Federations
  • The essential bar strategies coaches need to teach gymnasts like vision, ‘no gaps’, rhythm, and more.
  • The basic skill sets that all younger gymnasts should be mastering
  • The skill sets that more advanced gymnast should be mastering
  • Nick’s favorite drills and side station tools to develop skills
  • How teaching skills through a ‘same but different’ mindset allows for rapid progression
  • How to find the balance between spotting for safety and not letting gymnasts get too dependent
  • How to understand, prevent, and work through mental blocks with uneven bar skills

The full episode can be listened to on iTunes, Spotify, and Stitcher here!

Nick Ruddock’s Best Uneven Bar Strategies For High-Level Skills
and Long Term Health

Have a great week!

– Dave

Dr. Dave Tilley DPT, SCS, CSCS
CEO/Founder of SHIFT Movement Science