Muscle Up Mobility and Progression Article with Dr. Dan Pope
Hey everyone,
Last month I got asked by my good buddy Dr. Dan Pope if I would help him out to work on a muscle up article for his website Fitness Pain Free. The article highlights some good mobility, stability, and progression work people…

How A Gymnasts “Tight Hamstrings” May Really be A Core Control Problem
Something really interesting happened to me the other night at the gym during practice, and I wanted to share the story. One of my level 8's told me that she has "really tight hamstrings" and that for some reason no matter how much she stretches…

Combating Achilles Tears In Gymnastics (Pt II): Pre-Hab Techniques and How To Help Possibly Reduce Injury
Last week in Part I of this post I outlined my thoughts on what some contributing factors may be to a gymnast suffering an Achilles tear. I talked about some of the aspects related to the forces of gymnastics, biomechanical problems a gymnast…