Last year one of my most popular blogs was actually nothing to do with gymnastics or clinical treatment. It was a list of the resources, books, and continuing education courses I had learn from. Being a life long learner is something everyone should do to continuously grow, regardless of their profession or goals. Here is a list of what the last year’s continuing education looked like for me. Every book has a link out to Amazon for people to get a hold of it. Enjoy!

Clinical Books

Biomechanics and Motor Control: Defining Central Concepts – Latash, Zatsiorsky

Clinical Sports Medicine – Brukner, Khan

Strength and Conditioning: Biological Principles and Practical Applications – Cardinale, Newton, Nosaka

Allostasis, Homeostasis, and The Costs of Physiological Adaptation – Schulkin

The Physiology of Training For High Performance – Macdougall, Sale

Principles of Athletic Training: A Competency-Based Approach 15th Edition – Prentice

Sports Injury Prevention and Rehabilitation – Joyce, Lewindon

Essentials of Strength Training and Conditioning 4th Edition – NSCA

Other “Must Have” Resources For Movement Professionals

Strength and Conditioning for Young Athletes: Science and Application

The Athlete’s Shoulder – Wilk, Reinold, Andrews

Noyes’ Knee Disorders: Surgery, Rehabilitation, Clinical Outcomes: Expert Consult – Enhanced Online Features 

Movement: Functional Movement Systems: Screening, Assessment, Corrective Strategies 

Online Continuing Education

Functional Stability : Optimizing Movement – Mike Reinold and Eric Cressey’s brand new DVD product  (highly recommend in conjunction with movement resources above)

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Business, Personal Development, and Extra Books