Is It Possible to Produce High Level Gymnasts Without Sacrificing Health?
I'm going to flat out say it, that this is the question of the year for gymnastics. Every single person in the sport of gymnastics is grappling with this. Coaches, medical providers, gymnasts, parents, and outside spectators. In the last year…

The Exact Drills I Use to Increase Overhead Shoulder Flexibility
Just like many readers, I work with a lot of gymnasts both on our team and at Champion who struggle with limited overhead flexibility. It can be frustrating for the gymnast due to a lack of progress in skills, and I often see it as a factor…

An Essential Hip Strength Exercise All Gymnasts Need – Weighted Single Leg Hip Lifts
During the months of June and July, most gyms are going pretty hard on new strength programs to build strength and power needed for new skills. I'm in the same boat, doing quite a bit of progressive strength work in the gym and also with all…