Master the Basics: Gymnastics Drills for Kips, Fly Aways, and Giants
During this week's podcast with Nick Ruddock, he goes deep on must-hear advice to improve uneven bar skills. Nick discusses his 5 principles for creating great bar workers, specifically shape, extension, swing, flight, and vision.

Courtney McGregor Discusses Gymnastics Culture Change, Elite/NCAA Career, and Achilles Injuries
I'm was super grateful to be able to sit down and chat with elite, NCAA, and Olympic gymnast Courtney McGregor. Courtney has had an insane career of accomplishments and has spent the last 10 years training and competing at the highest level…

New Gymnastics Specific Movement Screening Worksheet Now Available!
Pretty excited about this! After a few years of experimenting and updating my gymnastics movement screen, the latest version is now available. I'm lucky to have a lot of ex-gymnasts who are finishing their doctoral work in Physical Therapy come…

The Exact Drills I Use to Increase Overhead Shoulder Flexibility
Just like many readers, I work with a lot of gymnasts both on our team and at Champion who struggle with limited overhead flexibility. It can be frustrating for the gymnast due to a lack of progress in skills, and I often see it as a factor…

Comparing Weight Bearing Wrist Mobility to Ankle Mobility
It's become widely known that weight bearing ankle mobility is part of developing a full ranged, properly executed squat. Many people understand the common compensations that can develop such as limited depth, the knees rolling in, or lower…

Assessing and Fixing The Dreaded “Pike Arch” Handstand: 6 Issues To Consider
The very commonly seen “pike arch” and rib flared handstand is something many gymnastics coaches and athletes are frustrated by. Although to the average person it may not seem like a big issue, in reality to the trained coach or medical…

Our New Warm Up With Video Walk Through (Part 2)
Last week in Part 1 of this article series, I outlined the first 4 parts of the new warm up I have created for our gymnasts. In this week, I wanted to give the video link to the last few chunks to our entire 25 minute warm up. Just like last…

Our New Warm Up With Video Walk Through (Part 1)
One of the most common topics I get asked about is what I have our girls team do for a warm up. Many people have heard me talk about my newer ideas for flexibility, and wonder how they practically show sup in training. The warm up is one big…

“Hip Flexor Tightness” in Gymnasts and The Most Common Error In Stretching
A topic that comes up frequently in my flexibility lectures and when treating gymnastics patients is hyper mobile athletes who feel "hip flexor tightness" or experience ongoing "hip flexor strains". This issue plagues many gymnasts leading…

3 Things That Must Go In A Gymnast’s Warm Up
As I continue to learn and think more, I'm always looking to tweak our gymnastics practices in an effort to help our athletes as much as possible. The warm up is one of the most essential parts of practice, as it helps prepare the body for…