Why Gymnasts Need PreHab & My 5 “Must Do” Exercises
Gymnastics is a high-impact sport that requires a combination of strength, flexibility, and control. As such, it's important for gymnasts to engage in proper prehabilitation, or "prehab," to reduce the risk of injury and improve performance.…

The Ultimate Gymnastics Flexibility Guide
*Readers Note – This gymnastics flexibility guide is a very long and in-depth blog post. The first few sections of this blog are background and explanation for flexibility methods using scientific research. There is a lot of medical and science…

Huge News! Harvard Gymnastics Sports Medicine Conference Announced
I’m extremely grateful, humbled, and excited to announce that I have been asked to co-teach a brand new Gymnastics Sports Medicine Couse at Harvard this upcoming Spring as part of the 2019 Sports Medicine Conference. I’m teaming up with…

Assessing and Fixing The Dreaded “Pike Arch” Handstand: 6 Issues To Consider
The very commonly seen “pike arch” and rib flared handstand is something many gymnastics coaches and athletes are frustrated by. Although to the average person it may not seem like a big issue, in reality to the trained coach or medical…

High Level Gymnast With Shoulder Pain During Releases and Chronic Wrist Pain: From Clinic To Practice #5
It's been a while since I did another case study "From Clinic To Practice" type post. I wanted to get back to them, as readers send me a lot of positive feedback when I write them. During the middle of the season, I had a level 10 gymnast…

Combatting Wrist Injuries in Men’s Gymnastics: 5 Tips For Training
Wrist pain and wrist injuries are unfortunately a huge issue in men's gymnastics. I personally suffered from a lot of wrist pain towards the end of my career, along with many of my teammates. In the last six months or so I have treated 5 male…

Master Handstand Push Ups With 3 Mobility Must Haves
Through CrossFit and many other fitness platforms, a lot of people are trying to pursue handstand and handstand push ups during training. Being a former gymnast and still being a coach, nothing makes me happier. However, many people are unfortunately…

Video Quick Tip: 1/2 Turkish Get Up to Overhead Walk
This post is in conjunction with a short video tip I put out earlier this month on overhead shoulder stabilization drills. I have been seeing a lot of young gymnasts with overuse elbow injuries, especially those that are going through rapid…

Video Quick Tip! Full Tuck Handstand Drill For Overhead Strength
Here is a drill that I learned a lot time ago, but have recently been using a lot more putting my own spin on it. I think it's great to work weight bearing, end range shoulder control without allowing rib flare cheating. Many gymnasts will…

Advice To CrossFit Athletes From A Gymnastics Coach, Physical Therapist, and Former Gymnast (Part 1)
After coming back from my first week teaching at Power Monkey Camp, I finally took some time to put an article series together related to some thoughts on gymnastics in CrossFit. I really stand behind Dave Durante’s approach to gymnastics…