Floor Twisting Progressions and Overcoming “Twisties” with Adam Paterson
Today on the podcast, I had the pleasure of speaking with Adam Paterson, Head of Performance at Portsmouth Gymnastics Centre in the UK and MAG Lead England Coach.
As an accomplished MAG Coach, MAG International brevet judge, and personal…

Changing Gymnastics Culture : It’s Time to Have Some Really Hard Conversations
Before I dive into the background and why I wrote this book, if you are just looking for the download form you can find it here. As I will explain, it is 100% free and I am only asking for email/name verification in an effort to maintain website…

Comparing Weight Bearing Wrist Mobility to Ankle Mobility
It's become widely known that weight bearing ankle mobility is part of developing a full ranged, properly executed squat. Many people understand the common compensations that can develop such as limited depth, the knees rolling in, or lower…

Assessing and Fixing The Dreaded “Pike Arch” Handstand: 6 Issues To Consider
The very commonly seen “pike arch” and rib flared handstand is something many gymnastics coaches and athletes are frustrated by. Although to the average person it may not seem like a big issue, in reality to the trained coach or medical…

Video Quick Tip! Full Tuck Handstand Drill For Overhead Strength
Here is a drill that I learned a lot time ago, but have recently been using a lot more putting my own spin on it. I think it's great to work weight bearing, end range shoulder control without allowing rib flare cheating. Many gymnasts will…