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Must Hear Advice for NCAA Gymnasts and Coaches To Have Their Best Competition Season

This week on the podcast I am extremely excited to share with everyone, a lecture I gave to Yale Gymnastics Team. 

I was asked to speak to them in their preseason about a few different topics ranging from; how they can get ready for preseason and how they can stay safe during the preseason. 

We talked a lot about workload management, getting better recovery from sleep, and different tools and strategies for stress management and class management. 

Andrew Leis, Yales head coach and good friend of mine was kind enough to let me use the lecture as a podcast this week and share it with the Shift community, and I think every college gymnast needs to hear what we discuss.

But also team coaches, team medical staff, and strength coaches would benefit from this episode too because we talk about how the roles of strength conditioning and medical care are so important for the season in terms of performance. 

Anyone who’s a gymnast, in any shape, way, or form, who’s doing classes, and trying to balance a busy life on top of the competitive season, this is really important for you to hear. 

Some of the research is really interesting around things that maybe we don’t think about but can be really helpful towards improving our performance in gymnastics or staying mentally and physically well throughout the course of a really challenging season. 

I wanted to make sure that this podcast was put out early because I know a lot of people are ramping up for the season in the next few months so I want to give everyone the chance to really take advantage of some of these things and put into place some of these strategies that we found are really helpful. 

I can personally say, as you’ll hear from the lecture, that some of these things are extremely useful for my own life. 

But also I have found that in many of the teams that I’ve been really fortunate to consult with around the country here in the US, but also the world, implementing some of these strategies really does make a huge difference not only in their gymnastics and competitive performance but also how they feel throughout the season. 

Including injury rates, but most importantly making them just feel mentally and emotionally more capable of handling some of the challenges that come along with season.

We discuss:

  • What I wish I knew when I was in College competing and studying.
  • Why stress is good for you in the proper context, and why prolonged stress leads to burnout.
  • The hourglass analogy.
  • How to improve your recovery.
  • How to sleep better.

To listen to the podcast on iTunes, Spotify, or Stitcher click below:

Must Hear Advice for NCAA Gymnasts and Coaches

To Have Their Best Competition Season


Hope it helps!

– Dave

Dr. Dave Tilley DPT, SCS, CSCS
CEO/Founder of SHIFT Movement Science