Brain Spill #5: Stress Neuroendocrinology, Physical Therapy, Epigenetics, and Youth Athletes:
My blog posts in the last few months have been on the "meta" side of the fence, talking about things like overcoming failure, coaching style, and life psychology. I'm ready to dive into the wild nerdy rabbit hole again in a "Brain Spill" type…

My Top 5 Books in 2017 : Medical, Personal Development, Business, and More
As if I wasn't already a massive nerd and read a lot, somehow 2017 topped it off and I read more than ever. I go through huge curiosity swings where I will find a certain topic and go nuts for a few months. Then, once I'm done I'll just drop…

A Brain Spill on Mechanical vs Neurological Effects in Physical Therapy (Part 2)
Stuff That Actually Relates to Treating People
Based on all the really geeky thoughts I had and research articles I talked about in Part 1, here are some more clinical based thoughts on the mechanical vs neurological debate. Remember, just…

A Brain Spill on Mechanical vs Neurological Effects in Physical Therapy (Part 1)
I think one of the most controversial / debated topics in the current Physical Therapy scene is whether mechanical vs neurological mechanisms drive effects seen for both manual therapy and exercise (spoiler alert it's probably…

2015 / 2016 Continuing Education List
Last year one of my most popular blogs was actually nothing to do with gymnastics or clinical treatment. It was a list of the resources, books, and continuing education courses I had learn from. Being a life long learner is something everyone…

7 Pieces of Advice For New PT Grads
With many PT students graduating this month, I wanted to drift off my normal blogging topics and give some advice to people who will be joining the field soon. Looking back to 3 years ago, there were a lot of things I would have differently…

The Intern Perspective: The Life of a PT/Gymnastics Intern and My Views on “Bridging the Gap”
This story begins with a simple Google search, purely out of curiosity, with no specific expectations for the results. “Gymnastics physical therapy.” The top result – hybridprspective.com (now SHIFT). That’s how I found out about Dave…

Exciting News, I’m Joining The Team at Champion Physical Thearapy and Performance
I'm very excited to announce that I have accepted a new position at Champion Physical Therapy and Performance, located in Waltham Massachusetts. Starting February 16th, I will start seeing clients for Physical Therapy and performance based…

Concussion Tools for Gymnastics Coaches, Parents, and Medical Providers
I spent the last 4 days in Washington D.C. taking an Emergency Medicine Response course as part of my upcoming Sports PT boards (don't worry I passed). One area of injuries we spent a long time discussing and practicing was spinal/neck injuries…

Brain Spill #2: Thoughts on Movement Variability, Pain Science, and Overuse Injury
For some reason my reading has taken me a lot into the concepts of movement variability, the role of coordinative and elemental variability, and how this all plays into in skill performance. I've always been curious about how athletes like…