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How Much is Too Much for Young Gymnasts? (Free Lecture and PDF Download)

I've written about this topic before, but the mysterious question of how much work to how much recovery is appropriate for young gymnasts continues to be a question that stumps many people in gymnastics. This topic is something that continues…

How to Build Easy Cardio Circuits When Time and Space is Limited in The Gym

Offseason cardio training is one of the most important things we can do to help build endurance, get our athletes more prepared for pre-season training, and also increase their energy levels for long practices. Benefits of general mixed off-season…
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Have More Productive Practices and Hit Routines with These Gymnastics Cardio Essentials

Developing cardio systems in gymnasts is beyond important, for both performance and safety. On the performance side, better endurance allows gymnasts to make it through full routines that have high-level skills. It also is what allows them…
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2 of My Favorite Whole Body Power Exercises for Gymnasts

During this time of the year, most gymnastics teams are in full swing starting competition season. This brings with it lots of routines, cardio focus, and power based strength work to maximize meet performance. Our gym is in the same boat,…
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Build Gymnastics Routine Cardio for Season with My Favorite New Circuit

Hey everyone! After a crazy few months of traveling, speaking, and working on some monster projects I'm really excited to have time to write some new blog content. I've had a lot of time to brainstorm some new ideas based on the gymnasts that…

Weighted Block Pull / Push for Cardio – Video Quick Tip

Today I wanted to share a new cardio station I got from my Strength and Conditioning coach friends at Champion Physical Therapy. I have been using it a lot as part of our summer conditioning circuits that focus a lot on building General Physical…
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The Best Strength Exercise Gymnasts Aren’t Using – The Deadlift

With the amount of time and focus that the majority of coaches place on strength and conditioning within gymnastics, I don’t think there is any debate about the fact that gymnasts need to be strong. However, there are many different methods…

3 Of My Favorite Cardio Workouts For Gymnasts During Competition Season

The topic of cardio training is something of huge importance for gymnastics coaches, medical providers, and athletes to spend time learning about. It can be overwhelming for many people if they have not been exposed to the information. To…
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5 Reasons Training Proper Breathing Is Key (Part 3): Increase Routine Endurance and Breathing Drill Videos

Two weeks ago I started this post, and people have really seemed to enjoy it. If you missed Part 1 (find it here) I covered some basics about breathing, some concepts related to core stability, and the influence of breathing on movement. In…
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5 Reasons Why Training Proper Breathing Is Key (Part 1)

I've hinted at breathing in a lot of my previous posts, but it definitely deserves its own feature. People may not think breathing is a big deal, but I can assure you it is.  Most athletes are unaware of their breathing patterns, except for…