Tag Archive for: strength and conditioning

Gymnasts Who Lift Weights and Have Off Seasons – How to Build “New School” Gymnastics Strength Programs
I'm incredibly excited to get this blog post and free lecture out to the gymnastics world. While I fully understand the need to use traditional gymnastics specific physical preparation programs, I firmly believe that a more hybrid approach…

5 Non Traditional Core Exercises Every Gymnast Should Use
Every gymnast, gymnastics coach, strength coach, and medical provider knows that appropriate core development is essential for success and reduced injury in gymnastics. There are hundreds of gymnastics specific core strength exercises to pick…

Treat Strength Like Skill Training – A Change In The Gymnastics Strength and Conditioning Paradigm
Today I am happy to bring readers another fantastic guest post by Rupert Egan. Rupert wrote Part 1 of this article series a while back, and I'm excited he is back for Part 2. I think Rupert brings up some crucial points here that coaches and…

Guest Post By Rupert Egan: Gymnastics Periodization To Maximize Performance (Part 1)
Today I'm super excited to start a guest post series from my friend Rupert Egan. I originally starting talking with Rupert last year regarding strength and conditioning concepts for gymnasts. I recently had the chance to spend a week with…