Fitness Pain Free Podcast Interview with Dr. Dan Pope

Hey everyone, a few weeks ago I got asked by Dr. Dan Pope I would do a podcast for his website Fitness Pain Free. Dan is a Physical Therapist, Strength and Conditioning coach, a beast of an athlete from the Strong Man/Lifting/CrossFit area, and an all around good guy. We have been working a lot together in the last few months looking at gymnastics, physical therapy, CrossFit, and how we can put our heads together to break down common injuries/problems athletes from these areas run into. Here’s the link,

Fitness Pain Free Podcast IPoster

Fitness Pain Free Podcast Poster


I was super grateful for the oppourtinity to get to go on the podcast with Dan to talk about a lot of really cool stuff. Although I keep my website dedicated to all gymnastics related activies I’m also involved in the local Weight Lifting/CrossFit world working with the athletes, educating people about gymnastics injury prevention/skill development, and trying to learn as much as I can. We talk about all sorts of good stuff from my background and why I created the website, my opinions on how to safely build some gymnastics skills into a CrossFit/fitness regiment, and our views as Physical Therapists about gymnastics in CrossFit. Dan’s website is a really great resource for anyone involved in this area and I would recommend checking it out. Hope you guys like it
