2016 Travel and Speaking Schedule
A lot of people have been contacting me asking about my upcoming speaking schedule. May, June, and July are typically pretty nuts for me with traveling, so I wanted to have it all in one spot for anyone interested. Here is how things are looking…

3 Of My Favorite Squat Mobility Drills
There are about a hundred reasons why a good squat is beneficial. From a mother picking up her small child, to an Olympic Weight Lifter catching heavy cleans, to a gymnast trying to absorb a landing, good squat mobility is essential. Many times…

Video Quick Tip! Suitcase Carries for Lateral Core Work
I'm a big fan of suitcase carries as they can take a more traditional side plank and turn it into an upright, reactive, and more challenging exercise. Although we do a lot of side plank variations also, suitcase carries create a very unique…

Video Quick Tip: 1/2 Turkish Get Up to Overhead Walk
This post is in conjunction with a short video tip I put out earlier this month on overhead shoulder stabilization drills. I have been seeing a lot of young gymnasts with overuse elbow injuries, especially those that are going through rapid…

3 Tips To Reduce Shoulder Pain in Muscle Ups
By far the biggest problem that I work with CrossFit athletes for is shoulder pain. There are a variety of factors that go into what movement is causing the pain, but a common skills people say started their shoulder pain is muscle ups. Here…

3 Things That Must Go In A Gymnast’s Warm Up
As I continue to learn and think more, I'm always looking to tweak our gymnastics practices in an effort to help our athletes as much as possible. The warm up is one of the most essential parts of practice, as it helps prepare the body for…