My Worst and Best of 2016
Right around this time of the year, many people look back on the last 12 months and share their best of the best content. I wanted to take a different spin on my yearly post of this nature. For one, rather than share blog posts I wanted to…

A Brain Spill on Mechanical vs Neurological Effects in Physical Therapy (Part 2)
Stuff That Actually Relates to Treating People
Based on all the really geeky thoughts I had and research articles I talked about in Part 1, here are some more clinical based thoughts on the mechanical vs neurological debate. Remember, just…

A Brain Spill on Mechanical vs Neurological Effects in Physical Therapy (Part 1)
I think one of the most controversial / debated topics in the current Physical Therapy scene is whether mechanical vs neurological mechanisms drive effects seen for both manual therapy and exercise (spoiler alert it's probably…

Healthcare Quick Tip – Unique Eccentric Exercise for Proximal Hamstring Tendinopathy in Gymnasts/Dancers
I have worked with quite a few cases of proximal hamstring tendinopathy and/or ischial apophysitis in the last year. The cases I work with tend not be the "Type 1" running/sprinting based mechanisms commonly seen and discussed in literature,…

5 Leg Exercises to Build Explosive Power for Gymnastics
Explosive lower body power and the ability to dissipate high force are both crucial factors for gymnastics success. On the women's side, 3 of the events are primarily leg driven with substantial benefit given to those athletes that express and…