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Treating Hip Pain in Athletes – Part 1 (Anatomy and Exercise Patterns)

Today on the podcast we are taking a little bit of a detour and bringing you some medical information. 

As many people know, I’m a Physical Therapist and a Sports PT that works with a lot of athletes, gymnasts, baseball players, soccer players, etc.

I treat a lot of different injuries, but one of the things I see a lot of is hip injuries. 

So I see and treat a lot of people for, hip flexor strains, groin strains, label issues, hamstring strains, surgeries, and so on.

As part of my job role, I do a lot of work on educating medical providers on different injuries in gymnastics.

This is through course work but also inservice training, for doctoral students which I run at Champion Physical Therapy Clinic in Boston.

During these, I teach anatomy, biomechanics, different assessments, and treatment styles.

I was asked by the students and some of the people I work with to do an in-depth inservice of hip issues. 

This one had some really valuable information so I wanted to make sure I put it up as a podcast to share with the gymnastic community.

I know there are a lot of physical therapists out there who are looking to learn more about hips and want to feel more comfortable treating people who are either having surgery or not.

But I hope this can also inform coaches too, building knowledge around injuries and the return to sport process.

This episode is part one and is the background information around assessments, pathology, and the biomechanics of the hip to help you understand what you need to know as clinicians to make sure that everything is going well. 


I DISCUSS; The four layers of the hip.

What classifies somebody as having FAI?

What ligaments are part of the hip structure?

Why the anatomy matters.

Considerations for pathology.

How do the kinetic chain and ankles affect the hip?

How to progress and regress a squat.

Why you need to be including split pelvis and single-leg exercises in your strength and rehab program.


What are the differences between a knee dominant versus hip dominant squat and the benefits of each?


Treating Hip Pain in Athletes – Part 1 (Anatomy and Exercise Patterns)


If you are a medical provider and you’re interested in learning more about different injuries, particularly in gymnastics.

We have our Shift Symposium coming up in June, a three-day summit with phenomenal medical providers talking about hips, shoulders, knees, meniscus issues, strength and conditioning, and all sorts of stuff.

It is also eligible for PT and for Athletic Training credits as well, so if you want to check it out, head to:



Hope it helps!

– Dave

Dr. Dave Tilley DPT, SCS, CSCS
CEO/Founder of SHIFT Movement Science