Our New Warm Up With Video Walk Through (Part 1)
One of the most common topics I get asked about is what I have our girls team do for a warm up. Many people have heard me talk about my newer ideas for flexibility, and wonder how they practically show sup in training. The warm up is one big…

2016 Travel and Speaking Schedule
A lot of people have been contacting me asking about my upcoming speaking schedule. May, June, and July are typically pretty nuts for me with traveling, so I wanted to have it all in one spot for anyone interested. Here is how things are looking…

Rehab Tips For Clinicians To Treat Gymnasts with Extension Based LBP – Part 2: Subacute Phase
In Part 1 of this article series I went over some basics around managing the acute phase, and the importance of figuring out issues above and below the area with pain. I also mentioned some educational, manual therapy, and basic exercises I…

10 Phrases I’d Teach A Parrot To Recite To Injured Gymnasts
This post was 100% inspired by Chris Johnson of Zeren PT, who recently wrote a great piece related to common things he seems to always say to injured runners. I laughed to myself when I saw the title, because of how true it seems to be. When…

How To Quickly Screen A Gymnast’s Ankle Mobility
The concept of screening is something huge I think the gymnastics world need to regularly partake in due to the high physical demands and injury rates. Screening refers to the idea of performing tests or movement assessments on gymnasts regularly…

Screening Overhead Mobility in Gymnasts (Application of The JBJ Approach To Handstands Pt 3)
Last month I started writing about how I apply the Joint by Joint Theory proposed by Gray Cook/Mike Boyle into a basic gymnastics movement, the handstand. In Part I of this article series I went over some background info, and talked about the…

How A Gymnasts “Tight Hamstrings” May Really be A Core Control Problem
Something really interesting happened to me the other night at the gym during practice, and I wanted to share the story. One of my level 8's told me that she has "really tight hamstrings" and that for some reason no matter how much she stretches…

Combating Achilles Tears In Gymnastics (Pt II): Pre-Hab Techniques and How To Help Possibly Reduce Injury
Last week in Part I of this post I outlined my thoughts on what some contributing factors may be to a gymnast suffering an Achilles tear. I talked about some of the aspects related to the forces of gymnastics, biomechanical problems a gymnast…

Combating Achilles Tears In Gymnastics (Pt I): Investigating Possible Contributing Factors
The high rate of Achilles tears in gymnastics is something that has always blown my mind. As a gymnast going through high school and college, it seemed that every few months I heard about someone else loosing their season because they ruptured…

Fitness Pain Free Podcast Interview with Dr. Dan Pope
Hey everyone, a few weeks ago I got asked by Dr. Dan Pope I would do a podcast for his website Fitness Pain Free. Dan is a Physical Therapist, Strength and Conditioning coach, a beast of an athlete from the Strong Man/Lifting/CrossFit area,…