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Building Explosive Power in Gymnasts with Hybrid Strength Programs (Part 2)

Today on the podcast is part two of the lectures I was asked to present by the Women’s Collegiate Gymnastics Association, to all of the NCAA coaches on strength conditioning for gymnasts.

Part two is focused on the exact weightlifting exercises you should be doing with your gymnasts, balanced and blended with the traditional model of gymnastic specific conditioning of shaping, core work, rope climbs, and handstands.

I get into the nitty-gritty details of planning strength and conditioning programs throughout the seasons, including the most effective amount of sets and reps and how best to build cardio endurance for gymnasts.

If you missed last week’s lecture, you can find it here:



WE DISCUSS; What does off-season max strength training look like?

How to train the core in the weight room in the offseason. 

The most effective amount of sets and reps for general strength and lifting; including an example of a Collegiate Gymnast’s program.

How to build the general aerobic base for gymnast’s cardio.

Should gymnasts be doing long-distance runs in the summer?

How to train and use shoulders in different ways to express high force safety and effectively. 

The preseason Plyometric Ramp-up.

Q&A Question from Melissa – What are your thoughts on isometric training for gymnasts?


Q&A Question – Where do you stand on conditioning before the workout?


I hope you guys enjoy listening to this lecture, the full video version is available on YouTube if you want to see the actual exercises and watch me go through them:


Building Explosive Power in Gymnasts with Hybrid Strength Programs (Part 2)

All the articles, research papers, and books mentioned can be found here:



Also a reminder this is your final chance to get early bird pricing for the 2022 Shift Symposium ending this Thursday 31st March at 11:59 pm EST!  From June 10 to June 12 learn everything you need to know about Gymnastics Medical Care, Gymnastics Coaching, and Gymnastic Strength and Conditioning. The lineup of 30 speakers is ridiculous, giving incredible lectures over three days, so do not miss out on early bird tickets. Head over to:


to find out more. 



Hope it helps!

– Dave

Dr. Dave Tilley DPT, SCS, CSCS
CEO/Founder of SHIFT Movement Science