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Maximizing Xcel Practices, Best Core Exercises, and Gymnast Lifting Weights with Christina Meyers

Today on the podcast is a phenomenal discussion I had with Christina Myers, a gymnastic and strength and conditioning coach who works with Xcel groups.   Christina has a Bachelor of Science in Sports Medicine and Nutrition and a Masters…
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Building Explosive Power in Gymnasts with Hybrid Strength Programs (Part 2)

Today on the podcast is part two of the lectures I was asked to present by the Women's Collegiate Gymnastics Association, to all of the NCAA coaches on strength conditioning for gymnasts. Part two is focused on the exact weightlifting exercises…
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Is There an Overtraining Problem in Gymnastics Culture?

Today on the podcast, is an interview I was asked to do with Temple Landry, who was an Elite Gymnast from Twin City Twisters in Minnesota and is heading to Stanford in a few years to compete.  She approached me with a project she is doing…
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3 Must Have Coaching Habits for High Performance

I've been really fortunate to meet a lot of awesome coaches in the last five years of traveling and speaking. These include gymnastics coaches, strength coaches, sports psychology coaches, and more. Jason Leydon is someone who I have learned…
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The Worst Day of My Coaching Career, and 5 Lessons You Must Learn From It

In the 12 years that I have been coaching gymnastics, I have been lucky to experience some incredible moments. Like when one of our gymnasts hits a huge routine at Regionals and qualifies herself to nationals, causing everyone to erupt in celebration.…
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How to Fail Like a Professional [Part 4 – Coaches ]

Today, I will wrap up the really awesome collaborative blog post series. In case you missed Part 1, Part 2, and Part 3, be sure to check those out. Today things will end with some of the best coaches that I know. As I mentioned, many of them…
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How to Fail Like a Professional [ Part 3 – Athletes]

This is Part 3 of this epic collaboration blog post on dealing with failure. In the first post (find it here) I talked about how I handled getting kicked out of Physical Therapy school in my last semester. In Part 2, I asked Mike Reinold, Lenny…
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How to Fail Like a Professional [ Part 2 – Medical and Rehab ]

Last week in Part 1 of this blog post,  I told readers about one of the biggest failures I've had to endure in my life: getting kicked out of Physical Therapy school in my last doctoral semester. I told the story, offered the approach that…
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I Got Kicked out of Physical Therapy School in My Last Semester, and it Ended Up Being the Best Thing That Ever Happened to Me.

That my friends, is a true statement. I have told very few people this until now, but I was actually kicked out of my graduate Physical Therapy program in the last possible semester, after 6 1/2 years of work and $230,000 of financial investment…