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Exactly How to Build Explosive Power in Gymnasts Using a Hybrid Lifting Program with Scott Willgress

In today’s episode of The Shift Show, I talk to Scott Willgress, strength coach for Ellie Black, and many other Canadian National Team gymnasts.

Scott has over a decade of experience in developing hybrid models of gymnastic strength and conditioning. 

Gymnastics requires a unique combination of strength, power, flexibility, and technique, and as such, creating a strength and conditioning program for gymnasts can be a complex process. 

In this podcast, we’ll explore how to build explosive power in gymnasts using a yearly hybrid lifting program with Scott Willgress.

Creating a hybrid lifting program for gymnasts requires a comprehensive understanding of their unique needs and training requirements. 

By incorporating exercises that focus on building strength, power, speed, and mobility, gymnasts can develop the explosive power necessary to excel in their sport. 

With the guidance of experienced coaches like Scott Willgress, gymnasts can build the foundation they need to achieve their goals and compete at the highest level.

Scott will also be presenting at the 2023 Shifts Symposium where he will be creating A Year of Gymnastics Strength Programming valued at $5000 for one lucky coach who signs up to the symposium. 

Want to be the lucky winner?

Sign up now at:



We discuss:

  • High-level athletes vs. recreational athletes. 
  • How do you plan your off-season? 
  • The general prep phase of training. 
  • How to prepare for a competition. 
  • In-season work vs in-season training. 
  • Building blocks for speed. 
  • Exercises for upper body strength. 
  • Lifting days and progression of training. And…
  • Two sets of 4 vs. 4 sets of 8. 

Exactly How to Build Explosive Power in Gymnasts Using a Hybrid Lifting Program with Scott Willgress



Hope it helps!

– Dave

Dr. Dave Tilley DPT, SCS, CSCS
CEO/Founder of SHIFT Movement Science