Tag Archive for: Periodization

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How Much is Too Much in Gymnastics? How Chronic Stress Impacts Young Athletes

Today on the blog I'm really excited to get out a new lecture that has been in the works for a while. It is one that I feel is the msot central topic currently facing gymnastics - how much is too much for young gymnasts? This podcast is from…
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The #1 Cause of Overuse Injuries and Burnout in Gymnastics, and How To Help

Every year I get a huge influx in emails from coaches and parents regarding their gymnasts having large spikes in overuse injury rates and burnout. They also report a lot of fatigue in their gymnasts, saying that despite their best efforts the…
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Treat Strength Like Skill Training – A Change In The Gymnastics Strength and Conditioning Paradigm

Today I am happy to bring readers another fantastic guest post by Rupert Egan. Rupert wrote Part 1 of this article series a while back, and I'm excited he is back for Part 2. I think Rupert brings up some crucial points here that coaches and…
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3 Thoughts To A Key Article – “Women’s Worlds Team Defying The Norm: Is Sixteen No Longer The Peak?”

Gymnastike put out a great article this week "Women's Worlds Team Defying The Norm: Is Sixteen No Longer The Peak?". I think the concepts behind this article are crucial for all of gymnastics to consider. This idea of age being just a number,…
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Guest Post By Rupert Egan: Gymnastics Periodization To Maximize Performance (Part 1)

Today I'm super excited to start a guest post series from my friend Rupert Egan. I originally starting talking with Rupert last year regarding strength and conditioning concepts for gymnasts. I recently had the chance to spend a week with…