Tag Archive for: Periodization

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Increasing Gymnast’s Sprint Speed & Tumbling Power Using Weight Training with Tom Callow

Today in the podcast, I'm very excited to bring on Tom Callow, who is another wonderful strength coach working in Australia.  Tom has a ton of experience, helping gymnasts learn how to lift, helping them get stronger and more powerful, and…
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Increasing Gymnastics Power by Changing Culture Around Lifting Weights with Tiz Clive

Today on the podcast I am very excited to bring on Tiz Clive a wonderful gymnastics coach and strength coach from Canada who believes in gymnast longevity and increase performance using weight training.  Tiz is a fantastic example of what…
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State/Regional Meet Preparation and Summer Strength

Today on the podcast, we are bringing you the second installment of our monthly Office Hours, a free Zoom meeting for Hero Lab members to ask questions, talk about various problems they’re dealing with and also discuss current trends happening…
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Building Explosive Power in Gymnasts with Hybrid Strength Programs (Part 2)

Today on the podcast is part two of the lectures I was asked to present by the Women's Collegiate Gymnastics Association, to all of the NCAA coaches on strength conditioning for gymnasts. Part two is focused on the exact weightlifting exercises…
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Building Explosive Power in Gymnasts with Hybrid Strength Programs (Part 1)

Today on the podcast I was asked by the Women's Collegiate Gymnastics Association, to give lectures to all of the NCAA coaches on strength and conditioning for gymnasts. A blended model, which is gymnastic specific, rope climbs and handstands,…
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How to Have Your Best Competitive Gymnastics Season Part 4 – Off Season

Today on the podcast we are wrapping up our epic four-part series on optimizing the competitive year. We started with the foundational base needed, then went onto the Preseason and discussed how to get athletes ready, followed by the demands…

How to Have Your Best Competitive Gymnastics Season Part 3 – In Season

This week on the podcast is part three of the four-part series which we have already had some great feedback from; on how to get the most success out of the competitive year in gymnastics. Firstly we explored and discussed the foundational…
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How to Have Your Best Competitive Gymnastics Season Part 2 – Pre Season

Today on the podcast is part two of the four-part series that has been highly requested by my online group The Hero Lab, about how to get the most success out of the competitive year in gymnastics. Planing for the gymnastics competitive year…
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Discussing A New Model of Gymnastics Part 4 – Planning The Competitive Year

This lecture series has produced an enormous amount of conversation and positive feedback! I'm grateful that people value my opinions, and it has been awesome to hear everyone's constructive criticism. If you haven't been following along, …
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How Much is Too Much for Young Gymnasts? (Free Lecture and PDF Download)

I've written about this topic before, but the mysterious question of how much work to how much recovery is appropriate for young gymnasts continues to be a question that stumps many people in gymnastics. This topic is something that continues…