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How To Train Harder and Smarter Using Workloads with Tim Gabbett and Scott Willgress

Many people in gymnastics (and all sports) are asking the same question – how do we train harder and boost performance without risking injury?

It’s a really good question. But, a really complicated one.

There has been a massive surge in conversations around athlete physical/mental wellness, reducing the risk of injury, and taking a much more scientific approach to training.

Workload research, popularized by Tim Gabbett and others, is at the forefront of that conversation.

There are many people in the gymnastics world using these concepts and the literature from other sports like myself and Scott Willgress (Strength Coach for Ellie Black and others).

I asked Tim and Scott if they would be willing to join me on a podcast to dive into these ideas, and how it matters for the future of gymnastics.

We chat about some important concepts such as

  • How can we train harder in practices without risking negative physical or mental consequences like injury/burnout?
  • Why it’s not all about numbers, and we must communicate openly with athletes
  • How both under training and overtraining can be a problem for performance
  • How to train in an intelligent way that is challenging, but not dangerous
  • The mistakes that people make when trying to use workload and wellness science
  • How gymnastics coaches, strength coaches, and medical providers can all work together
  • The “big rocks” coaches need to know when starting to use workloads
  • The future of workload systems for gymnastics
  • Problems we see in gymnastics culture related to overtraining or pushing too fast/too soon

You can check out our full discussion on iTunes, Spotify, or Stitcher here!

How To Train Harder and Smarter Using Workloads with Tim Gabbett and Scott Willgress


Hope you find it helpful! Have a great week,

– Dave

Dr. Dave Tilley DPT, SCS, CSCS
CEO/Founder of SHIFT Movement Science