A Decade of SHIFT: 10 Years of Must Hear Gymnastics Advice
Today is SHIFT’s 10 Year Anniversary. It’s insane for me to even write that.
In October 2013, I wrote a blog post about hip flexor stiffness in gymnasts. 10 years later, SHIFT has grown into an international company and brand I feel has helped a lot of people. I’m blown away by the amount of support, encouragement, and help I’ve gotten along the way.
Without the community, the people who have worked for SHIFT, and the friends I have, I would not have made it 10 years.
In thinking about how to celebrate this milestone, I had many ideas but ultimately I wanted to just go back to where it all began: giving away the best possible information I could for free to help people in the gymnastics community.
So, I sat down with my best friend Eva Shute for 3 hours to reflect back on the 10 years with the biggest lessons we’ve learned. We give our brutal, honest thoughts about what we did wrong, right, and the best advice we have for listeners including
– Hiring and Firing The Right Coaches
and so much more. Below you can find the free 18 chapter/500+ page Changing Gymnastics Ebook I mention, and I hope it is helpful!
Download Referenced Free Gymnastics Culture E-Book
A Decade of SHIFT: 10 Years of Must-Hear Gymnastics Advice