Brain Spill #2: Thoughts on Movement Variability, Pain Science, and Overuse Injury
For some reason my reading has taken me a lot into the concepts of movement variability, the role of coordinative and elemental variability, and how this all plays into in skill performance. I've always been curious about how athletes like…

How Many Impacts and Hyperextensions Do Gymnasts Actually Take?
Another set of the age old questions in gymnastics; "How much is too much?", "How much is enough to get a skill?", and "How much until we get nervous about injury?"A big concept that myself and other gymnastics healthcare providers talk about…

5 Minute Hip Mobility Warm Up
I recently put together a series of hip mobility drills for an Olympic Weightlifter friend of mine. I'm personally a big fan of making a warm up as active and dynamic as possible, rather than just simply resting passively in stretching positions.…

Gymnastics and Lifting Weights: Don’t Fear Plates, Kettlebells, and Barbells.
This is an extremely controversial topic in gymnastics: should gymnasts use external weights and barbell work for strength. This "elephant in the room" concept is way too big of an issue to address in one blog post, but I still want to open…

(Handstand) Advice To CrossFit Athletes From a Gymnastics Coach, Physical Therapist, and Former Gymnast -Pt 2
If you missed Part 1 of this series on basics and progressions, check it out here. The handstand is a straight up fundamental of gymnastics. The majority of gymnastics skills have some degree of a handstand basic built into it. If you're…