Video Quick Tip! Side Plank 1 Arm Rows
Today I wanted to quickly share one of my new favorite exercises I got from the strength coaches at Champion PT and Performance. As I've talked about before, it's really important that we are training all aspects of the core equally. As a whole,…

Build Power and Core Control with These 3 Medball Exercises
Many athletes do a lot of isolated core work like side or front planks, hollow rocks, leg lifts, and so on. This type of core strength is valuable when in conjunction with teaching athletes the basics of breathing, bracing, spinal control.…

Does Having Good Form Make A Gymnast’s Squat Worse?
It's known to the gymnastics world that having good form in all skills is pretty much essential to success. You can throw all the craziest skills in the world, but if they are very sloppy the aesthetics look pretty bad, and judges likely break…

2015 / 2016 Continuing Education List
Last year one of my most popular blogs was actually nothing to do with gymnastics or clinical treatment. It was a list of the resources, books, and continuing education courses I had learn from. Being a life long learner is something everyone…

High Level Gymnast With Shoulder Pain During Releases and Chronic Wrist Pain: From Clinic To Practice #5
It's been a while since I did another case study "From Clinic To Practice" type post. I wanted to get back to them, as readers send me a lot of positive feedback when I write them. During the middle of the season, I had a level 10 gymnast…

Double Box Jumps To Develop Explosive Leg Power: Video Quick Tip
Although many people are in the post season looking to get into strength cycles, I wanted to share one of my favorite drills for developing leg power and explosive quickness. Many gymnasts I work do a ton of leg strength and plyometric…