Nutrition is by far one of the most important, yet most intimidating topics in the sport of gymnastics. It serves as the foundational base for gymnasts to fuel themselves properly, be able to train hard, and also then be able to recover their bodies so they can perform well.

As I have talked about in the past, formalized nutrition training is an area that I personally do not have enough academic or clinical experience with. For that reason, I almost always outsource conversations about properly fueling young gymnasts to friends of mind that are experts in the field.

One of those people, who I am lucky to have learned from in the last 6 years, is Dr. Josh Eldridge. Not only is he incredibly intelligent staying up to date on the latest scientific literature for nutrition, he also has a young daughter and wife involved in gymnastics to he understands being “in the trenches” with gymnasts.

He also has written a fantastic book on nutrition for young athletes called Because She’s Worth it which he is giving away a free copy of to SHIFT readers (click here to find out about that)

In a recent chat, I asked him about what he thinks the three biggest mistakes were in gymnastics for safely and properly approaching nutrition. He said they were

  1. Failing to Plan 

  2. Using Negative Words

  3. Not Enough Intake to Fuel Gymnasts Properly 

He had such incredible tips to help, so I I asked Josh if he could film a video for me related to these common mistakes with advice on how to help the gymnastics community out.

I also recently did an EPIC podcast with Josh covering literally all my questions about gymnastics nutrition including

  • How to talk to gymnasts about food in a safe and healthy manner
  • Why gymnasts need healthy fats and carbohydrates, unlike common myths out there
  • What food choices are “Ideal vs nonideal” to recommend for gymnasts
  • How to talk with gymnastics parents about healthy food and fueling for performance
  • How to approach gymnasts who are very picky eaters, have allergies, or chose vegan/vegetarian food options

You can listen to the podcast or watch our hour-long conversation in the links below.

Here is Dr. Elridges best advice to helping out with the 3 mistakes mentioned above in a free nutrition training video, which was super helpful to hear!

Click Here to Get Dr. Josh Eldrdiges fantastic nutrition book sent to you for free 

To listen to our entire podcast just click the link below, and to watch it you can see the video attached below that. I hope you find all this amazing information helpful!

The SHIFT Show – Dr. Josh Eldridge on Gymnastics Nutrition and Fueling for Performance

Hope you find it helpful!

– Dave

Dr. Dave Tilley DPT, SCS, CSCS
CEO of SHIFT Movement Science