5 Non Traditional Core Exercises Every Gymnast Should Use
Every gymnast, gymnastics coach, strength coach, and medical provider knows that appropriate core development is essential for success and reduced injury in gymnastics. There are hundreds of gymnastics specific core strength exercises to pick…

Video Quick Tip: Single Leg Medball Tosses
One of the most common areas I see gymnastics overlook is reactive balance control work, especially in the frontal plane. During strength programs, we usually are good a programing larger muscle groups and even preparing for power/speed. We…

Video Quick Tip! Side Plank 1 Arm Rows
Today I wanted to quickly share one of my new favorite exercises I got from the strength coaches at Champion PT and Performance. As I've talked about before, it's really important that we are training all aspects of the core equally. As a whole,…

Does Having Good Form Make A Gymnast’s Squat Worse?
It's known to the gymnastics world that having good form in all skills is pretty much essential to success. You can throw all the craziest skills in the world, but if they are very sloppy the aesthetics look pretty bad, and judges likely break…

High Level Gymnast With Shoulder Pain During Releases and Chronic Wrist Pain: From Clinic To Practice #5
It's been a while since I did another case study "From Clinic To Practice" type post. I wanted to get back to them, as readers send me a lot of positive feedback when I write them. During the middle of the season, I had a level 10 gymnast…

“Hip Flexor Tightness” in Gymnasts and The Most Common Error In Stretching
A topic that comes up frequently in my flexibility lectures and when treating gymnastics patients is hyper mobile athletes who feel "hip flexor tightness" or experience ongoing "hip flexor strains". This issue plagues many gymnasts leading…

Combatting Wrist Injuries in Men’s Gymnastics: 5 Tips For Training
Wrist pain and wrist injuries are unfortunately a huge issue in men's gymnastics. I personally suffered from a lot of wrist pain towards the end of my career, along with many of my teammates. In the last six months or so I have treated 5 male…

Video Quick Tip: 1/2 Turkish Get Up to Overhead Walk
This post is in conjunction with a short video tip I put out earlier this month on overhead shoulder stabilization drills. I have been seeing a lot of young gymnasts with overuse elbow injuries, especially those that are going through rapid…

Applying Hip Strength Drills For Reduced Pain and Increased Flexibility
Over the last year, I have shared a lot of my thoughts related to how I have drastically changed my approaches to hip and shoulder flexibility training. The "Gymnastics, Please Stop These Stretches" series I wrote (Part 1, Part 2, Part 3) were…

Gymnastics, Please Stop Doing These Stretches (Part 2)
In the first part of this article, I went over why pushing hip hyperextension and back leg split flexibility stretching makes me really concerned. In this article, I want to go over two types of commonly used passive shoulder stretches I fear…