Rehab Tips For Clinicians To Treat Gymnasts with Extension Based LBP – Part 2: Subacute Phase
In Part 1 of this article series I went over some basics around managing the acute phase, and the importance of figuring out issues above and below the area with pain. I also mentioned some educational, manual therapy, and basic exercises I…

Rehab Tips For Clinicians To Treat Gymnasts with Extension Based LBP – Part 1: Acute Phase
Extension based lower back pain is one of the biggest epidemics in gymnasts, cheerleaders, dancers, and others. Injuries range from acute muscular strains, to more series acute symptomatic spine fractures. Over the last few years I have seen…

Stretching Hip Flexors/Quads vs Stressing Lumbar Spine – Video Quick Tip
If you missed it, last week I posted Part 1 of this video series talking about how an overhead shoulder stretch commonly used by gymnasts may may be putting strain on the shoulder joint, instead of stretching the lats like intended. In Part…

Stretching Lats vs Shoulder Joint – Movement Tweak #1
Here is the first short video of an ongoing series I will be putting out called Movement Tweaks. In this video, I go over why unfortunately I think many gymnasts "go to" stretches for their lat muscles may not be the most effective. Unfortunately, I…

Why I Don’t Use Ankle Weights With My Gymnasts
To start, I'm aware this is another controversial topic in gymnastics. I have spent quite a long time organizing my thoughts and how to present them in a positive, constructive article. As a younger coach, I used to do a ton of ankle weight…

Concussion Tools for Gymnastics Coaches, Parents, and Medical Providers
I spent the last 4 days in Washington D.C. taking an Emergency Medicine Response course as part of my upcoming Sports PT boards (don't worry I passed). One area of injuries we spent a long time discussing and practicing was spinal/neck injuries…

Elastic Band ASSISTED Hip Drills For Better Angles and Control
Elastic band drills are all over gymnastics mainly being used as added resistance to hip motion. In the right scenario I think the resistance can be useful. However, I have noticed many gymnasts I work with show huge passive hip motion, but…

3 Thoughts To A Key Article – “Women’s Worlds Team Defying The Norm: Is Sixteen No Longer The Peak?”
Gymnastike put out a great article this week "Women's Worlds Team Defying The Norm: Is Sixteen No Longer The Peak?". I think the concepts behind this article are crucial for all of gymnastics to consider. This idea of age being just a number,…

Mobility Exercise’s To Boost Shoulder Health In Male Gymnasts (Part 1)
Although I do spend more time in women's gymnastics, I want to start offering more information to help take care of the male gymnasts out there. Growing up and training, I had my fair share of injuries and wished that I had some ways to proactively…

How Many Impacts and Hyperextensions Do Gymnasts Actually Take?
Another set of the age old questions in gymnastics; "How much is too much?", "How much is enough to get a skill?", and "How much until we get nervous about injury?"A big concept that myself and other gymnastics healthcare providers talk about…