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Colin Van Wicklen Shares Advice on Returning To Training, Time Off, and Weight Training in Gymnastics

Really excited to have Colin Van Wicklen, World Team and Senior National Team member for team USA, back on the podcast. Colin is about 6 weeks into his return to gymnastics following the 3-month COVID-19 break. Not only this, but he also has big plans lined up for this year as he sets his sights on Olympic Trials next summer. He is also going to be launching an awesome new vlog project where he documents the upcoming year leading to Olympic Trials.

In this episode we discuss

  • What it’s been like getting back to elite gymnastics after 3 months off
  • The good and bad of his first few weeks back, along with what was hardest
  • His best advice for gymnasts and coaches who are starting to wean back in
  • How Colin’s views have changed on taking time off following COVID when he previously only has taken 2-3 days off max
  • How Colin’s views have changed on gymnasts weight lifting as part of their strength program
  • What Colin’s training plan looks like leading up to 2021 Olympic Trials
  • His new vlog project to document his journey leading up to Olympic Trials

You can check out this entire awesome interview by clicking the links below

Colin Van Wicklen Shares Advice on Returning To Training, Time Off,
and Weight Training in Gymnastics



I hope you find it helpful!

– Dave

Dr. Dave Tilley DPT, SCS, CSCS
CEO/Founder of SHIFT Movement Science