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My Thoughts on The Gymnastics Abuse Scandal

Over the last 3 years, I have been quite observant of everything going on in gymnastics related to the abuse scandal, the cultural dynamics that have been implicated as a factor, and the way this links to how people are changing their approach to training.

I have been asked about the scandal hundreds of times over the last few years, but have largely kept my thoughts about it to myself. For one, I don’t have nearly enough information about the details to really have a fully informed discussion about it. I only know what I have seen, read, and heard from other people. Second, I believe that one of the best ways to truly make a change is through self-awareness, accountability, and working hard to make positive changes in your own life that spread to those you interact with each day.

I fully believe in talking about the issues head-on and making sure that people who have made very poor choices are held accountable for their decisions. That being said, I try my best to stay away from gossip, social media, or giving my opinion when I’m not fully educated on the situation.

The one thing I absolutely know is that I feel deeply sorry for the survivors as well as anyone else who has impacted by the tragedy. My heart goes out to anyone who has been impacted by some of the terrible things that we have learned about.

I was recently asked to join Caleb Norman on his podcast, the TheraEd Podcast. He asked me about

  • Why I started SHIFT
  • My journey through PT school,
  • Why I am still involved in gymnastics coaching, treating, and researching
  • How seeing the scandal as well as the huge exposure of some questionable cultura issues in gymnastics has impacted my work
  • What I think gymnastics needs to move forward

Due to how many questions I get on this topic, I wanted to repost this episode for people to hear it. You can find the entire thing below!

My Thoughts on The Gymnastics Abuse Scandal, and The Story of SHIFT