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Severs Disease, OsGood Schlatters, Shin Splints, and Running/Impact Related Injuries with Kevin Coughlin, DPT

Today on the podcast is Kevin Coughlin DPT, ACSM-CPT, C-PS, a Performance Physical Therapist and expert in running-related injuries. 

Kevin graduated from the University of Massachusetts Lowell with a Doctorate in Physical Therapy and is part of the team at Champion PT and Performance Boston, helping people get out of pain and back to the activities they love.

His passion for running started in high school and he is now a long-distance runner and advocate of the importance of how being physically active is, for both physical and mental health.

I wanted Kevin on the podcast for two reasons; firstly there are many young gymnasts who struggle with impact and running-related injuries in growth plates, such as Severs disease, Osgood slaughter, and shin splints.

Secondly, there are many running and impact-related injuries post-puberty that athletes deal with at high school, college, or that adults deal with, such as coaches just trying to stay fit but struggling with Achilles or knee issues. 

So we break down these different injures pre and post-puberty, and what we can do about them to recover faster and safely get back to impact and safely get back to running.

We discuss:

  • How do running and gymnastics injuries relate?
  • You can’t fix running injuries with new shoes.
  • The three main problems that lead to injury.
  • Why gymnasts need to fix their running pattern.
  • How to run efficiently.
  • Severs disease and Osgood Schlatters, what are they, and how to fix them.
  • How nutrition, mental health, and other issues can cause injury. 


  • Kevin’s guide to keeping your tendons healthy. 


Severs Disease, Osgood Schlatters, Shin Splints, and Running/Impact Related Injuries with Kevin Coughlin, DPT


Hope it helps!

– Dave

Dr. Dave Tilley DPT, SCS, CSCS
CEO/Founder of SHIFT Movement Science