Helping with Common Gymnastics Shoulder, Elbow, and Wrist Injuries

Last week in part 1 of this blog/podcast series, I talked about some common issues surrounding the lower body and hip, knee, and ankle injuries in gymnastics. In this follow up part 2, I will be chatting on the upper body. More specifically, I’m going to cover concepts related to the shoulder, elbow, and wrist.

Through this episode I cover

  • Why the weight-bearing joints of the lower body are so different than the upper body
  • How workloads with proper loading/unloading cycles are so important
  • The role of new school hybrid strength and conditioning models can reduce rates of upper body injuries in gymnastics
  • Shoulder Injuries
    • Rotator Cuff isssues
    • Labral or SLAP tears
    • Instability and subluxation
    • Muscle ruptures
  • Elbow Injuries
    • OCD (osteochondritis dessicans)
    • stress fractures and growth plate injuries
    • ‘Forearm’ splints
  • Wrist Injuries
    • Breaking down ‘gymnast wrist’ into better subcategories
    • Radial growth plate overuse injuries
    •  Ulnar variance and TFCC tears

Lots of information in here that I hope will help medical providers, coaches, parents, and gymnasts themselves. You can check out the podcast below on iTunes, Spotify, and Stitcher

The SHIFT Show – Understanding and Helping Common Shoulder, Elbow, and Wrist Injuries in Gymnastics