11 Crucial Ways to Combat Impact Knee and Ankle Injuries in Gymnastics
Impact knee and ankle injuries, unfortunately, are something that plague many gymnasts. This is mainly because young athletes are exposed to massive impact forces that may reach 8.8x - 14.9 times body weight, 1000's of times per month, and…

Gymnasts Who Lift Weights and Have Off Seasons – How to Build “New School” Gymnastics Strength Programs
I'm incredibly excited to get this blog post and free lecture out to the gymnastics world. While I fully understand the need to use traditional gymnastics specific physical preparation programs, I firmly believe that a more hybrid approach…

Free Access To All Of My Gymnastics Book Chapters Now Available
6 Months ago I released a pretty big e-book called "Changing Gymnastics Culture: Lessons, Reflections, and Visions for the Future". It was 450 pages and 16 chapters, and in an effort to help the gymnastics world that is/was in quite a rough…

Help Gymnasts Hit More Routines in Meets with These Essential Workload and Recovery Tips
It's around this time of the year that many people in gymnastics worldwide are gearing up for their first competitions. It usually brings with it lots of anxiety, an increase in training intensity, and unfortunately many times an increase in…

The Future of Men’s Gymnastics with Jake Dalton and Dave Durante
I originally had another blog post scheduled for today, but after an impromptu podcast last week at Power Monkey Camp, I couldn't hold out on posting this. I was very fortunate to sit down with two good friends of mine, Jake Dalton and Dave…