The Uncomfortable Conversation on Gymnastics Culture We Need To Have, But Aren’t.
There is no way to avoid the brutal reality: gymnastics culture is in need of a massive overhaul. This is not a new concept, as many have been talking about it over the last two decades.
However, the recent incredible documentary Athlete…

How Did We Get Here? A Gymnastics Culture Rant Inspired by #AthleteA
Hi all, below is an #AthleteA inspired rant on the harsh reality of Gymnastics culture 7 years in the making for me.
To the survivors, families, journalists, & countless others who had the courage to stare evil in the face demanding…

Colin Van Wicklen Shares Advice on Returning To Training, Time Off, and Weight Training in Gymnastics
Really excited to have Colin Van Wicklen, World Team and Senior National Team member for team USA, back on the podcast. Colin is about 6 weeks into his return to gymnastics following the 3-month COVID-19 break. Not only this, but he also has…

Navy Men’s Gymnastics on Competitive Success, Culture, and Making Sacrifices
I'm so excited to share a fantastic chat I had with Lucas Beltran and Christian Correale, as well as head coach Kip Simons, of Navy Men's Gymnastics. I've always had an enormous amount of respect for anyone who serves in the military. But,…