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Fixing Bridges and Preventing Back Pain – 5 Common Issues and How To Address Them

A good bridge is a fundamental part of gymnastics. Unfortunately, it is also a movement that gives coaches, healthcare providers, and athletes a lot of problems. Back pain with bridges and other hyper extension skills is a huge issue within…
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Video Quick Tip! Side Plank 1 Arm Rows

Today I wanted to quickly share one of my new favorite exercises I got from the strength coaches at Champion PT and Performance. As I've talked about before, it's really important that we are training all aspects of the core equally. As a whole,…
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High Level Gymnast With Shoulder Pain During Releases and Chronic Wrist Pain: From Clinic To Practice #5

It's been a while since I did another case study "From Clinic To Practice" type post. I wanted to get back to them, as readers send me a lot of positive feedback when I write them. During the middle of the season, I had a level 10 gymnast…
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Video Quick Tip: 1/2 Turkish Get Up to Overhead Walk

This post is in conjunction with a short video tip I put out earlier this month on overhead shoulder stabilization drills. I have been seeing a lot of young gymnasts with overuse elbow injuries, especially those that are going through rapid…
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3 Tips To Reduce Shoulder Pain in Muscle Ups

By far the biggest problem that I work with CrossFit athletes for is shoulder pain. There are a variety of factors that go into what movement is causing the pain, but a common skills people say started their shoulder pain is muscle ups. Here…
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5 Tips To Reduce Shoulder Injuries In Men’s Gymnastics

Although I work with a lot of female gymnasts, I also work with a handful of male gymnast and many have shoulder problems. Unfortunately, I know from personal experience and through college teammates that shoulder injuries run wild in men's…
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New Overhead Weight Bearing Shoulder Stabilization Exercise

Here is a stabilization drill I have started to use a lot to help weight bearing overhead athletes train dynamic stability. Many times the forces of handstands, impact, or other axial loads are very high and as a result injuries come up,…
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Video Quick Tip! Full Tuck Handstand Drill For Overhead Strength

Here is a drill that I learned a lot time ago, but have recently been using a lot more putting my own spin on it. I think it's great to work weight bearing, end range shoulder control without allowing rib flare cheating. Many gymnasts will…
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Screening Overhead Mobility Update For Coaches and Clinicians

When working with a client, it's important to assess overhead mobility in positions relevant to their sport or activities. After reading some newer research, learning some techniques from Mike Reinold, and playing around with applications in…
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Gymnastics, Please Stop Doing These Stretches (Part 2)

In the first part of this article, I went over why pushing hip hyperextension and back leg split flexibility stretching makes me really concerned. In this article, I want to go over two types of commonly used passive shoulder stretches I fear…