Gymnastics Strength Programs – 5 Must Have Pieces for High Performance
Today on the podcast I am happy to bring to you a lecture I gave for the Nevada Club Congress that was hosted by Cassie Rice at her gymnastics club.
I was asked to come on and talk about some strength and conditioning ideas and principles.
So this is a lecture on The 5 Must-Do Things to really make a high-performing and effective gymnastic strength program.
I recorded the lecture to share as a lot of people have asked me for these types of lectures.
I break down having a plan, the need to have a well-balanced program of different movement patterns, how many sets and reps of each exercise, having a specific focus, and the different types of core training you need.
To finish I talk about having a strong relationship with strength and a good Cultural Foundation to go behind what you’re doing. We discuss:
- Common strength questions all gymnastic coaches have.
- Periodization, what is it, and how to use it.
- Examples of out off-season strength programs.
- What you need to do to achieve a balanced program.
- The importance of having a specific goal/focus to your strength program.
- Individualization, the key to success.
- How to develop a strong culture and relationship with strength and conditioning in your gym.
To listen to the podcast on iTunes, Spotify, or Stitcher click below:
Gymnastics Strength Programs – 5 Must Have Pieces for High Performance 
– Dave
Dr. Dave Tilley DPT, SCS, CSCS
CEO/Founder of SHIFT Movement Science