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Kerry Bair RD on Helping Gymnasts Have a Better Relationship with Food and the Roles of Coaches and Parents

Today on the podcast I’m very excited to have registered dietitian and nutritionist Kerry Bair, who’s been really forward-thinking and outspoken in gymnastics culture.

Making sure we’re giving the best advice on what can we do to fuel kids properly and balance some of these stigmas around body image, weight, and aesthetics. 

Her mantra is “I help competitive gymnasts fuel their bodies, prevent injuries, and reach their highest potential.”

A former gymnast herself she learnt firsthand the importance of proper food and nutrition and also saw the impacts poor nutrition can have.

Kerry now works with gymnasts on a weekly basis who want to learn more about nutrition, food, recovery, and performance. 

She shares ideas and practical alternative solutions for coaches on how to discuss body image, and where did these cultural myths perpetuate so we can work on them and have healthy conversations around food with athletes. We discuss: 

  • We discuss; dieting isn’t normal it’s just commonplace in our culture.
  • Top tips for parents who want to address the nutrition conversation to help aid recovery or energy levels in their young athletes.
  • Where’s the line between a coach’s responsibility of nutrition and recovery versus what is the parent’s role to manage the athlete?
  • What red flags should you should be aware of in athletes.
  • How to make sure we keep moving forward in the sport, to move on past old school techniques, commenting on body or weight, and have a healthy relationship with food.
  • Gymnasts are unique so trying to fit into a box that you’re not meant to fit in, is always going to do more harm than good.
  • Why you can’t fail at nutrition.

To listen to the podcast on iTunes, Spotify, or Stitcher click below:

Kerry Bair RD on Helping Gymnasts Have a Better Relationship with Food and the Roles of Coaches and Parents


Hope it helps!

– Dave

Dr. Dave Tilley DPT, SCS, CSCS
CEO/Founder of SHIFT Movement Science