Phase 2 Of My Free 6 Day Gymnastics Home Program Now Available!
Hey everyone! As always, I hope you’re doing well during this challenging time and are able to stay mentally and physically in a good space.
Here in the United States, unfortunately, we have heard the news that the federal government is extending its social distancing guidelines for at least another 30 days. That means that we are likely not getting back to full gymnastics training for some time, and will continue to have to be working with what we have at home.
After this announcement, I went ahead and put together the next months’ worth of programming that I offered when this situation started unfolding.
The Feedback that I got from the first program was incredibly overwhelming, without having over 10,000 downloads (which is absolutely mind-boggling).
Seeing as so many people found it helpful, I want to offer for more weeks and will continue to offer free program until we get this mess sorted out. It’s the least I can do, and I’m glad people are finding it useful. It follows the same outline as 4 strength days, 2 cardio days, 2 flexibility/core days, and daily soft tissue prep but there are a few changes.
- Given that we, unfortunately, will not be seeing a competition season come to the service this year, this programming now has switched gears towards more of a start of general off-season approach. It has a mixture of more gymnastics pacific base work, shaping, active flexibility, and also the general strength and conditioning the last one had. The daily soft tissue stuff has remain the same, but I think this program will help people had a smoother transition back to higher volume when we get back into things.
- Due to a combination of number one, but also because most people now have a general base, this program is a little bit more challenging in terms of density and exercise volume. Nice people are limited by the space in a cup and a half, do the exercises themselves are not that much more complicated. I just have more sets, a bit more load in, and the workouts are a bit longer in aerobic-based in nature.
- Also as with the first one, please do not blanket apply this to your athletes. It is absolutely crucial, but for safety and for performance, that you download the program read and edit it, update what you think needs to change, and tailor things based on what your athletes need.
I hope it is useful, and if you didn’t catch the first one feel free to jump in here now. You can either start with the first program HERE for a month and then get this one, or you can see how this new one fits.
To get Phase 2, just enter your email and it will be delivered to you shortly.
Download Phase 2 of My Free
6 Day Gymnastics Home Program

- 4 days of strength workouts
- 2 days of cardio circuits
- 2 days of flexibility work with daily soft tissue warm ups
- 2 days of core training
Stay safe!
– Dave
Dr. Dave Tilley, DPT, SCS, CSCS