Tag Archive for: CrossFit

Exciting News, I’m Joining The Team at Champion Physical Thearapy and Performance
I'm very excited to announce that I have accepted a new position at Champion Physical Therapy and Performance, located in Waltham Massachusetts. Starting February 16th, I will start seeing clients for Physical Therapy and performance based…

Swinging/Muscle Up/Kipping Advice To CrossFit Athletes From a PT and Gymnastics Coach
A few months ago, I started this series on some of my thoughts on injury prevention advice for people training gymnastics movements in CrossFit. In Part 1 I talked about general concepts, and in Part 2 I offered some ideas related to handstands.…

(Handstand) Advice To CrossFit Athletes From a Gymnastics Coach, Physical Therapist, and Former Gymnast -Pt 2
If you missed Part 1 of this series on basics and progressions, check it out here. The handstand is a straight up fundamental of gymnastics. The majority of gymnastics skills have some degree of a handstand basic built into it. If you're…

Advice To CrossFit Athletes From A Gymnastics Coach, Physical Therapist, and Former Gymnast (Part 1)
After coming back from my first week teaching at Power Monkey Camp, I finally took some time to put an article series together related to some thoughts on gymnastics in CrossFit. I really stand behind Dave Durante’s approach to gymnastics…