Tag Archive for: CrossFit

Must Know Gymnastics Cardio Princples with Chris Hinshaw
Today on the podcast, we are bringing back one of our most popular episodes with Chris Hinshaw one of the most world-renowned endurance coaches in the world.
Founder of aerobiccapacity.com, Chris is an ex Ironman Competitor and expert in…

How to Have Your Best Competitive Gymnastics Season Part 3 – In Season
This week on the podcast is part three of the four-part series which we have already had some great feedback from; on how to get the most success out of the competitive year in gymnastics.
Firstly we explored and discussed the foundational…

How to Have Your Best Competitive Gymnastics Season Part 1 – Foundations
This week on the podcast, we are kicking off an extremely exciting four-part adventure that has been highly requested by people in my online group; Hero Lab, about how to get the most success out of the competitive year in gymnastics.

Flexibility, Shoulder Injuries, and Longevity in CrossFit
The last month has been full of podcasts I've been lucky to be asked on. They have included,
Talking Gymnastics Culture and Injuries with the Routine Podcast,
Talking gymnastics flexibility and stress neuroendocrinology with Dr. Ryan…

Understanding The Shoulder Pain Epidemic in CrossFit Athletes (Part 2 : Rotator Cuff Strength and Upper Body Balance)
Last week in Part 1 of this articles series, Dan and I offered two videos diving into how assessments and targeted mobility work can greatly help for CrossFit athletes who struggle with shoulder pain. Today in Part 2 we want to cover one of…

Understanding The Shoulder Pain Epidemic in CrossFit Athletes (Part 1 : Assessments and Specific Mobility)
My good friend Dan Pope and I are extremely lucky in that we get to work with hundreds of athletes who participate in CrossFit training. The level of athlete ranges from novice and recreational, and spans all the way up to some of our clients…

Weightlifting for Gymnasts, and Gymnastics for Weightlifters – Episode #9 of the Vaughn Weightlifting Podacast
Today I'm really excited to share an episode of the Vaughn Weightlifting Podcast that I was fortunate to be asked on. Chad Vaughn is a 2x Olympian in the Sport of Weightlifting (2004 and 2008), is one of the coaches at Power Monkey I get to…

Master Handstand Push Ups With 3 Mobility Must Haves
Through CrossFit and many other fitness platforms, a lot of people are trying to pursue handstand and handstand push ups during training. Being a former gymnast and still being a coach, nothing makes me happier. However, many people are unfortunately…

3 Of My Favorite Squat Mobility Drills
There are about a hundred reasons why a good squat is beneficial. From a mother picking up her small child, to an Olympic Weight Lifter catching heavy cleans, to a gymnast trying to absorb a landing, good squat mobility is essential. Many times…

3 Tips To Reduce Shoulder Pain in Muscle Ups
By far the biggest problem that I work with CrossFit athletes for is shoulder pain. There are a variety of factors that go into what movement is causing the pain, but a common skills people say started their shoulder pain is muscle ups. Here…