Brain Spill #5: Stress Neuroendocrinology, Physical Therapy, Epigenetics, and Youth Athletes:
My blog posts in the last few months have been on the "meta" side of the fence, talking about things like overcoming failure, coaching style, and life psychology. I'm ready to dive into the wild nerdy rabbit hole again in a "Brain Spill" type…

How to Fail Like a Professional [Part 4 – Coaches ]
Today, I will wrap up the really awesome collaborative blog post series. In case you missed Part 1, Part 2, and Part 3, be sure to check those out. Today things will end with some of the best coaches that I know. As I mentioned, many of them…

How to Fail Like a Professional [ Part 3 – Athletes]
This is Part 3 of this epic collaboration blog post on dealing with failure. In the first post (find it here) I talked about how I handled getting kicked out of Physical Therapy school in my last semester. In Part 2, I asked Mike Reinold, Lenny…

How to Fail Like a Professional [ Part 2 – Medical and Rehab ]
Last week in Part 1 of this blog post, I told readers about one of the biggest failures I've had to endure in my life: getting kicked out of Physical Therapy school in my last doctoral semester. I told the story, offered the approach that…

I Got Kicked out of Physical Therapy School in My Last Semester, and it Ended Up Being the Best Thing That Ever Happened to Me.
That my friends, is a true statement. I have told very few people this until now, but I was actually kicked out of my graduate Physical Therapy program in the last possible semester, after 6 1/2 years of work and $230,000 of financial investment…

Needle Walk Ins to Improve Back Leg Split Flexibility, Leaps, and Jumps
I hope everyone is having a great start to the new year! Readers have really seemed to enjoy some more "quick tip" posts with easy to use drills in practice, so I wanted to share another one of my go to's today.
All gymnasts tend to struggle…

My Top 5 Books in 2017 : Medical, Personal Development, Business, and More
As if I wasn't already a massive nerd and read a lot, somehow 2017 topped it off and I read more than ever. I go through huge curiosity swings where I will find a certain topic and go nuts for a few months. Then, once I'm done I'll just drop…

My Favorite 3D Hip Strength Exercise – Dynamic Side Plank Clamshells
I hope everyone had a wonderful holiday and New Year! Today I wanted to talk briefly about one of my favorite exercises I have started use a lot: the dynamic side plank clamshell. This is a combination of a few exercises, aimed to recruit certain…

Video Quick Tip! Tall Kneeling Medball Transitional Slams
Last year I wrote a blog post on some common medicine ball exercises I use for both the gymnasts I coach and the gymnasts I treat for rehabilitation at Champion. These included med ball slams, seated overhead throws, and rotational throws.

2 of My Favorite Whole Body Power Exercises for Gymnasts
During this time of the year, most gymnastics teams are in full swing starting competition season. This brings with it lots of routines, cardio focus, and power based strength work to maximize meet performance.
Our gym is in the same boat,…