Comparing Weight Bearing Wrist Mobility to Ankle Mobility
It's become widely known that weight bearing ankle mobility is part of developing a full ranged, properly executed squat. Many people understand the common compensations that can develop such as limited depth, the knees rolling in, or lower…

The Shoulder Mobility Paradox in Olympic Weightlifting (Part 1)
Over the last 4 years I've been really fortunate to learn from a lot of great Olympic Lifting coaches, and also treat a huge number of people training Olympic Lifting movements. Unlike gymnastics, Olympic Lifting was something I was not as familiar…

Assessing and Fixing The Dreaded “Pike Arch” Handstand: 6 Issues To Consider
The very commonly seen “pike arch” and rib flared handstand is something many gymnastics coaches and athletes are frustrated by. Although to the average person it may not seem like a big issue, in reality to the trained coach or medical…

Master Handstand Push Ups With 3 Mobility Must Haves
Through CrossFit and many other fitness platforms, a lot of people are trying to pursue handstand and handstand push ups during training. Being a former gymnast and still being a coach, nothing makes me happier. However, many people are unfortunately…

3 Of My Favorite Squat Mobility Drills
There are about a hundred reasons why a good squat is beneficial. From a mother picking up her small child, to an Olympic Weight Lifter catching heavy cleans, to a gymnast trying to absorb a landing, good squat mobility is essential. Many times…

3 Tips To Reduce Shoulder Pain in Muscle Ups
By far the biggest problem that I work with CrossFit athletes for is shoulder pain. There are a variety of factors that go into what movement is causing the pain, but a common skills people say started their shoulder pain is muscle ups. Here…

Swinging/Muscle Up/Kipping Advice To CrossFit Athletes From a PT and Gymnastics Coach
A few months ago, I started this series on some of my thoughts on injury prevention advice for people training gymnastics movements in CrossFit. In Part 1 I talked about general concepts, and in Part 2 I offered some ideas related to handstands.…

5 Minute Hip Mobility Warm Up
I recently put together a series of hip mobility drills for an Olympic Weightlifter friend of mine. I'm personally a big fan of making a warm up as active and dynamic as possible, rather than just simply resting passively in stretching positions.…

(Handstand) Advice To CrossFit Athletes From a Gymnastics Coach, Physical Therapist, and Former Gymnast -Pt 2
If you missed Part 1 of this series on basics and progressions, check it out here. The handstand is a straight up fundamental of gymnastics. The majority of gymnastics skills have some degree of a handstand basic built into it. If you're…

Advice To CrossFit Athletes From A Gymnastics Coach, Physical Therapist, and Former Gymnast (Part 1)
After coming back from my first week teaching at Power Monkey Camp, I finally took some time to put an article series together related to some thoughts on gymnastics in CrossFit. I really stand behind Dave Durante’s approach to gymnastics…