Tag Archive for: sleep

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5 In Season Pitfalls for Gymnastics Coaches to Avoid

We are in the thick of competitive gymnastics season here in America, and around this time I get a ton of questions about what coaches, parents, and gymnasts can do to maximize their routine/meet performance. This week I wanted to share a…
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5 In-Season Gymnastics Tips for Maximizing Meet & Routine Performance

Today’s episode of the Shift Show, is some quick tips for coaches, athletes, and parents for the upcoming competitive season.  This is a quick episode packed full of beneficial information for busy coaches, that you can listen to on your…
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Must Hear Advice for NCAA Gymnasts and Coaches To Have Their Best Competition Season

This week on the podcast I am extremely excited to share with everyone, a lecture I gave to Yale Gymnastics Team.  I was asked to speak to them in their preseason about a few different topics ranging from; how they can get ready for preseason…
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Why I Have Gymnasts Track Sleep, Fatigue, and Soreness Every Day

Click Below to Download Free Tracking Sheets  2017 Tracking Sheets Wildcats One of the most helpful things I have started doing with our gymnasts is basic daily tracking and monitoring. By this, I mean having our competitive gymnastics team…